作者:张凌云; 黎汉生; 张东翔;
关键词:无机非金属材料; 超细粉体; 反萃界面沉淀法; TiO2;
机构:合肥学院; 北京理工大学; 北京理工大学 合肥 230022 北京理工大学 北京; 北京 100081;
摘要:用反萃界面沉淀法,以氨水为反萃剂,通过优化煅烧温度和反萃条件制备出超细TiO2光催化剂.结果表明,采用反萃沉淀法制备超细TiO2光催化剂,改变煅烧温度和水油相加入的方式、降低氨水的浓度、制备温度和陈化时间等因素均有显著的影响.用氨水反萃制备纳米TiO2其最佳煅烧温度为350℃,氨水的浓度和陈化温度存在最佳值.氨水浓度(体积比)为1:5,陈化温度为17.5℃有利于生成小颗粒;陈化时间较短和将水相加入油相有利于生成小颗粒. Ultrafine TiO2 powers with high purity, small size and uniformity was prepared throu| interfacial stripping precipitation method. Ti(IV) was extracted from P204-CCl4/TiO(NO3)2 system wi P204 as an extractant and ammonia aqueous solution as a re-extractant. The preparation process w optimized by controlling the preparation parameters(such as calcianated temperature and operation co ditions). The result shows that the particle size and crystal grain diameter of ultrafine-TiO2 particles a distinctly influenced...