作者:袁俊霞; 潘国庆;
关键词:超细碳酸钙; 表面改性; 接枝; 橡胶;
摘要:首先用硅烷偶联剂对超细碳酸钙粉体进行预处理,在其表面形成接枝活性点;再让MMA在改性碳酸钙粒子表面经自由基聚合,形成超细碳酸钙/PMMA复合粒子。把接枝改性后的碳酸钙粒子填充于橡胶中,实验结果表明,碳酸钙粒子经表面接枝改性后,可提高与有机基体的相容性,填充材料的力学性能优于未改性碳酸钙。 In this paper,the superfine calcium carbonate was disposed by γ-methacryloxy-propyltrimethoxysilane first.Then the superfine CaCO3/PMMA composite particles were prepared through free-radical polymerization in the presence of superfine CaCO3.The modified superfine calcium carbonate then was filled into nature rubber.The results showed that the surface grafting CaCO3 powder could disperse more homogeneously in rubber and possess better mechanical properties than unmodified CaCO3.