作者:李奕; 张道德;
关键词:微小重力; 直线流; 空气输送; 粉粒体;
机构:湖北工业大学机械工程学院; 湖北武汉;
摘要:研究了一种在太空生产中的材料输送方式.通过数值仿真得出以下结论:采用管道空气输送能够减小压力损失从而提高能源利用率;对于不同种类的被输送物质,都可以找到合适的输送条件,既能够最大限度地减小动力,又不至于因为动力不足而无法输送;管道内粒子的运动轨迹几乎完全取决于气流. This paper aims to find a workable way of transportation of powder in outer space. The results of simulation indicate that in outer space, air transportation of powder in pipe can reduce the pressure loss and improve the utilization ratio of energy sources. For various materials, we can find a suitable condition for the transportation. Besides, the track of powder in pipe almost depends on the airflow completely.