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大小鼠血压测量仪可以自动操作,包括一键调零按钮。用户可以设置高压和低压报警。一系列数据输出接口可以用于数据采集。Aalog voltage输出接口用于快速(连续信号)、收缩压、舒张压、和心率,兼容数据采集系统。所有的数据显示?.5秒钟更新一次。也可以选择快速模式,进行更快实时更新、/span>
Components for 2-channel BP monitor:
1 ea BPM-832 Amplifier
2 ea DTX-1 BP transducer
2 ea TC-GRA Adapter cable
TheBPM-832 Pressure Monitorprovides two independent amplifiers for use with bridge-type transducers including pressure force and acceleration. Each channel includes a high-gain preamplifier low-pass filtering adjustable DC balancing and a digital readout.
The wide gain range of the BPM-832 and its excellent DC stability make it the perfect choice for interfacing most bridge-type transducers. The digital display can be calibrated in real-world units such as mmHg for convenient monitoring. Corresponding analog outputs are provided for each channel for external recording.
A variety of transducers is available from CWE Inc. These include blood-pressure transducers airway pressure transducers sensitive differential transducers for measuring airflow with a pneumotach and force transducers. The input connectors are compatible with all CWE and Grass Instruments?pressure and force transducers. Adapter cables are available for most commercial transducers as well.
The BPM-832 is powered by a regulated wall-mount power supply with all international approvals including the CE mark. The BPM-832 provides a compact economical solution for most transducer interfacing applications.
Ordering information:
Direct arterial BP tracing | NIBP waveforms |
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