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证:工商信息已核宝br /> 访问量:67409
MER (Matericals and Electrochemical Research Corporation)是保持全?*地位的特殊材斘/span>'/span>exotic material)的生产商、/span>
,/span>Aluminum Graphite铝石?/span>
品名Item: Fullerene Soot
货号Catalog# MRST
Description: As-produced carbon soot prepared by the Kraetschmer-Huffman arc process. MER fullerene soot is guaranteed to yield over 7 wt% fullerenes when extracted with toluene. Typical composition of the extract is 75% C60, 22% C70, 3% higher-order fullerenes. The particle size of the soot is 0.02 to 10 microns. Powder density is about 0.05 grams/cc.
品名Item: Refined Mixed Fullerenes改进的混合富勒烯
货号Catalog# MRMF
Description: Fullerene extracted from arc-produced carbon soot. The fullerene mixture (also known as (“fullerite? is a dark-brown amorphous powder that is soluble in toluene, benzene, carbon disulfide and other fullerene-friendly solvents. Fullerene composition is approximately 75% C60, 22% C70and 3% higher-order fullerenes (C76, C78, C84and others). Powder density is about 0.8 g/cc.
品名Item: Fullerene C60, 99+%
货号Catalog# MR6LP
Description: Over 99% pure C60produced by chromatography. The product is a dark brown powder with powder densitiy of about 0.8 g/cc. Impurities include C70and C60oxides. The material may also contain up to 0.2% adsorbed solvent.
品名Item: Fullerene C60, 99.9%
货号Catalog# MR6HP
Description: 99.9% or higher C60produced by chromatography and sublimed to remove traces of solvent and other contaminants. The product is a black crystalline powder with powder density of about 0.8 g/cc. Impurities are traces of C70and C60oxide.
品名Item: 95+% C70
货号Catalog# MR7LP
Description: C70produced in the arc, then purified to over 95% by chromatography. The material is a dark brown powder with powder density of about 0.8 g/cc. Impurities include C60, higher order fullerenes and fullerene oxides. The product may contain up to 0.2% absorbed solvent.
品名Item: 99+% C70
货号Catalog# MR7HP
Description: 99% or higher purity C70produced in the arc, purified by chromatography, then sublimed to remove traces of solvent and other contaminants. The product is a black crystalline powder with powder density of about 0.8 g/cc. Impurities are traces of higher fullerenes and C70oxide.
品名Item: Higher-Order Fullerene Mixture
货号Catalog# MRHF
Description: Mixture of higher-order fullerenes produced by chromatography. Typical composition is around 20% C76, 20% C78, 40% C84, with other higher-order fullerenes. A HPLC chromatogram is supplied with the material to indicate approximate distribution of fullerenes. Limited quantities are available.
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