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This meter measures a rat’s reaction time to radiant energy,from a 150 watt light source. The beam is focused on its tail usinga parabolic reflector. The energy of the light source can beadjusted and the display indicates as a percentage how muchenergy is being utilized
For rapid screening of analgesic drugs usingrats (as described by D’Amour and Smith)An opticalsensor is located underneath the focused light source. The ratshould be positioned such that its tail obscures the focused lightsource from the sensor. When the system is started either usingthe supplied footswitch or front panel mounted start key the lightsource illuminates and a timer starts counting in tenths of asecond. When the rat’s tail flicks indicating its pain threshold,it uncovers the sensor. This tail movement turns off the timer andlight source. Reaction time can be read directly from the displayin seconds and tenths of a second.
A standard parallel port permits connection to a printer to recordthe trial number energy level and reaction time. A calibrationfacility allows the light source to be set to the desired levelbefore commencing with the experiment.
- 推荐产品
- 供应产品
- 产品分类
- 热电偶温度测量仪
- 动物穿梭箰/a>
- 爪痛觉测试仪390/390G
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- 新异物体识别系统
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- 旷场实验仪器
- 恐惧制约系统
- 可加热型小动物手术台Heated Animal small table
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- 迷宫系统maze system