证:工商信息已核宝br /> 访问量:140157
KH-3000-01A花粉监测?/span> |
测量原理 |
半导体激光前吐/span>+侧向光散(花粉) 半导体激光侧向光散射(其他颗粒) |
粒径范围 |
~25-40 um |
流逞/span> |
4.1 LPM |
测量间隔Interval |
1 min ~ 9999 min可逈/span> |
显示 |
I/O 叢/span> |
RS-232C |
内存 |
180数据 |
供电 |
AC220V(50/60Hz) |
Size |
About320(W)230(D)140(H)mm |
Weight |
~ 5KG |
1.Pollen clustering strategies using a newly developed single-particle fluorescencespectrometer.
Aerosol Science and TechnologyVolume 542020-Issue 4
2.Relationship between laser light scattering and physical properties of airborne pollen.Journal ofAerosol Science.Volume 124October2018Pages122-132
3.Dispersal of allergenic pollen from Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa: characteristic annual fluctuation patterns caused by intermittent phase synchronisations.ScientificReportsvolume 9 Article number: 11479(2019)
5.Automatic pollen monitoring: first insights from hourly data.Aerobiologiavolume 36 pages159 170(2020)
6.A demonstration project of Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Prediction of interactions between air pollution and allergen exposure—the Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK-Impact of air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis approach.Chin Med J (Engl).2020Jul 5; 133(13):1561?567.
7.Comparative efficiency of airborne pollen concentration evaluation in two pollen sampler designs related to impaction and changes in internal wind speed.Atmospheric Environment.Volume20315 April2019Pages18-27
8.Effect of micro-scale wind on the measurement of airborne pollen concentrations using volumetric methods on a building rooftop.Atmospheric Environment.Volume 158June2017Pages1-10
9.Effect of micro-scale wind on the measurement of airborne pollen concentrations using volumetric methods on a building rooftop.Atmospheric Environment.Volume 158June2017Pages1-10
10.Automated pollen monitoring system using laser optics for observing seasonal changes in the concentration of total airborne pollen.Aerobiologiavolume 33+/span>pages351?62(2017)
11.Size-segregated Allergenic Particles Released from Airborne Cryptomeria japonica Pollen Grains during the Yellow Sand Events within the Pollen Scattering Seasons. Asian Journal ofAtmospheric EnvironmentVol. 7-4 pp.191-198 December2013
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