

As a solid oxide fuel cell anode material,NiO/Gd0.2Ce0.8O1.9(GDC)is used to replace the conventional NiO/Y0.16Zr0.92O2.08,which can effectively extend the triple-phase boundaries and improve the cell performance.In this paper,the evolution of anode microstructure and its effect on cell performance is studied by regulating the particle size of NiO/GDC agglomerated powder via atmospheric plasma spraying technique.The results show that the powder particle size affects the melting degree,and the small particle size powder melts sufficiently so that more GDC is exposed in the coating to increase the reactive sites.The large particle size powder melts insufficiently,and particle stacking creates gaps leading to more cracks and pores in the coating,thus exhibiting a larger gas flux with a leakage rate of 14.8×10-6 cm4·gf-1·s-1.The output peak power density of single cells formed by anode with small and large particle sizes is close to each other,reaching 1158.46 and 1147.0 mW·cm-2 at 800?The impedance spectrum fitting reveals the difference in interfacial charge transfer and gas transport capability of the anodes.By analyzing the mechanism of powder particle size on electrochemical performance,it was found that the small-particle-size anode has more interfacial active sites and shows a faster charge transfer rate,while the largeparticle-size anode has excellent gas permeability and can pass through more fuel to effectively excite active sites.Therefore,the two cells exhibit almost the same electrochemical performance. ...



随着世界能源需求总量的持续增?新型能源的转换利用与存储成为目前科学研究的热点问题。燃料电池作为最具前景的能源转换技术之一,因其能量转化效率高、环境友好、能量密度高、燃料范围广等独特优势受到来自学术界和产业界的广泛关注。氧还原反应(ORR)是燃料电池阴极重要的电极反应,然而其动力学过程缓慢、高度依赖于贵金属铂、长时间运行后催化性能和耐久性急剧退?现已严重制约燃料电池商业化的大规模推广和应用。因?研发低成本、高活性和高稳定性的催化剂对推动燃料电池商业化具有重要意义。氮化钛(TiN)材料因具有良好导电性、高熔点、高硬度及耐磨耐酸碱腐蚀等优异特?在开发高度耐用的催化剂载体领域极具应用前景。具有良好形貌、大比表面积和纳米结构的先进TiN材料作为催化剂载体时,可通过提高贵金属铂利用率、增强金?载体间相互作用、促进质?电荷转移以及增强耐腐蚀?从而实现铂基催化剂电催化活性显著提高。此?TiN还具有类似贵金属的电子属?自身对ORR表现出活跃的催化性能和良好的稳定?在ORR非贵金属催化剂研究中备受青睐。因?本文综述了具有良好形貌结构特征的TiN材料的制备方法及合成机制,阐述TiN、过渡金属掺杂TiN及其碳基复合材料分别作为催化剂载体或催化剂时在ORR领域的最新研究进?展望TiN材料在燃料电池阴极中的应用前?为设计和发展实用型燃料电池阴极催化剂指明方向 ...



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