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RS2400系列具有众多高新科技?*4pi金靶发射与过滤技术、安全屏蔽性、易操作编程,剂量均一性优?#177;7%,剂量率10~40Gy/ min可调:/span>
获得的科技**:Patented* RAD+ chamber --* Patent No; 6?89?99:/span>
* US Patent 7346147 ? X?ray tube with cylindrical anode
Insect population control& Research
The Rad Source Technologies RS 2400 provides a safe and reliable radiation source for Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Unlike the other radiation sources,cobalt-60 and cesium-137 Rad Source utilizes their patented X-ray technology to generate a 4pi ionizing radiation field without a radioactive source. Because there is no radioactive source the RS 2400 is much safer less expensive to own and operate,and can be easily shipped to almost anywhere in the world.
Current Customers
University of Sao Paulo Brazil
Ambriex Brazil
The RS 2400’s new carousel system combined with the light-weight waterproof,carbon fiber reinforced resin canisters maximizes the utilization of the unique Rad Source 4pi radiation field resulting in a more uniform dose delivery.
What is Sterile Insect Technique?
Sterile Insect Technique or SIT is a technique used to control or eliminate an insect population? This is achieved through reproductive mate attrition. Generally the male insect is exposed to radiation and thereby rendered sexually sterile. By mass rearing male insects sterilizing them and then releasing them into the desired area the treated males will seek out and mate with the native female insects and their offspring is non-viable. If this process is repeated enough times the insect population can be controlled and or even eliminated.Are Irradiated Insects Radioactive?No insects that have been sterilized using radiation are not radioactive.
Food Irradiation Testing & Research--RS2400
The RS 2400 is currently being used in 2 different industries which are food irradiation research and insect population control.Food Irradiation Research Radiation Effects on Seafood and Produce PathogensThe first RS 2400 was installed in 2003 at Mississippi State University for the evaluation of radiation effectiveness in the reduction of dangerous bacteria such as salmonella E. coli vibrio shigella and listeria on seafood and fresh produce. It is actively being used by Barakat Mahmoud PhD.Food Irradiation Research Detection of Irradiated FoodIn April of 2009 an RS 2400 was installed in Foggia Italy at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata (IZS) and is used in the research of detecting food irradiated with ionizing radiation. In Europe as in many countries of the world the irradiation of food is an acceptable method of food preservation. The European Union (EU) approves which foods can be irradiated and to what range of radiation doses. It requires that all irradiated foods be clearly labeled and that market-level inspections are completed to ensure compliance with the regulations. IZS is using their RS 2400 to develop testing methods to determine whether or not a food has been irradiated.
Current Customers
Mississippi State University
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata (IZS)
RS2400 Features and Benefits
? Just-In-Time supply management helps to control costs
? Safe the unit is self-shielded with no radioactive source
? Secure system is password protected ?
Turn-key installation
? Easy to operate using a simple easy-to-read touch pad
? Service and Support 12 month full warranty and a 24 month X-ray tube warranty
? 5SAP 5-year Source Assurance Program eligible
? Does not require a US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license
RS2400 Technical Specifications*
? Dose Rate: 18 - 70 Gy per minute based on product density and canister size
? Beam Uniformity: Better than 7%
? Number of Canisters: 5 7 per cycle based on product density and unit configuration
? Processing Canisters: Diameter 3 (7.62 cm) to 7 (17.78 cm) Height 6 (15.24 cm)
? Cabinet Dimensions: Length 72 (183 cm),Width 33 (84 cm) Height 51 (130 cm)
? Cabinet Weight: Net 2350 lbs (1066 kg)
? Power Requirements: US 208 VAC,European 400 VAC
? Cooling system with high capacity water to air heat exchanger (external unit)
? Single 4pi Au Target Emitter
*Technical specifications are subject to change please contact your Rad Source representative for the most current information.
RS 2400
Length 72 (183 cm),Width 33 (84 cm),Height 51 (130 cm),Weight: 2?50 lbs (1?66 kg)
RS 2400V Mosquito Irradiator
Length 82”,Width 52”,Height 42”,Weight: 2?00 lbs
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