篇名 硅灰石改性及填充工程塑料ABS的研
作者: 张凌燔 赖伟弹 唐华伞 郑光冚
关键词:硅灰矲 改? 填充; ABS;
机构:武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院; 武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学 湖北武汉; 湖北武汉;
摘要 对硅灰石粉的表面改性效果及填充ABS塑料力学性能的研究表?不同的改性剂、改性剂用量、改性时间等工艺条件对硅灰石的改性效果有重要影响。经γ-(甲基丙烯酰氧?丙基三甲氧基硅烷改性后的硅灰石填充工程塑料ABS,增强了复合材料的刚性和熔体流动?其他力学性能虽有小幅下降,但不影响其在工程上的使用;同时降低了ABS塑料使用的成?在填充量?0%?可降低成?5% Surface modif ication of wollastonite and mechanical property of wollastonite-f illed ABS were studied.The results showed that different modifi cation reagent, quantity of modifi cation reagent, time of modifi cation would affect surface modifi cation of wollastonite. Wollastonite treated by γ-methacryloxypropyl trimethoxy silane f illed ABS can improve composite’s rigidity, but its other mechanical properties had little decline. Wollastonite- Filled ABS not only can reduce its cast ,but also didn’t effect ...