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德国HYDRO-BIOS公司–/span>数字生物网口流量讠/span>Digital Flow Meter
数字生物网口流量讠/span>(Digital Flow Meter)
数字生物网口流量计订购信息: |
438 110数字生物网口流量讠/span>用来测量通过浮游生物网的水的体积5位机械式计数?/span>叶轮直径9/span>75mm 便捷的单点连接或双点连接水平拖网使用 |
438 115数字生物网口流量讠/span>用来测量通过浮游生物网的水的体积5位机械式计数?/span>叶轮直径9/span>75mm 便捷的三点连?/span>垂直拖网使用带逆行自动停止功能 |
数字生物网口流量计照片集9/span> |
1.D. Schnack?974.On the Reliability of Methods for Quantitative Surveys of Fish Larvae.The Early Life History of Fish.201-212.
2.S. Falk-Petersen and C.C.E. Hopkins?981.Ecological investigations on the zooplankton community of Balsfjorden northern Norway: population dynamics of the euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis (Kr?yer) Thysanoessa raschii (M.Sars) and Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M.Sars) in 1976 and 1977.Journal of Plankton Research.3(2): 177-192.
3.J. Lenz D. Schnack D. Petersen J. Kreikemeier B. Hermann S. Mees and K. Wieland?995.The Ichthyoplankton Recorder: A video recording system for in situ studies of small-scale plankton distribution patterns.ICES Journal of Marine Science.52(3-4):409-417.
4.A. Vandelannoote H. Robberecht H. Deelstra F. Vyumvuhore L. Bitetera F. Ollevier?996.The impact of the River Ntahangwa the most polluted Burundian affluent of Lake Tanganyika on the water quality of the lake.Hydrobiologia.328(2):161-171.
5.Epaminondas D. Christou?998.Interannual variability of copepods in a Mediterranean coastal area (Saronikos Gulf Aegean Sea).Journal of Marine Systems.15(1?):523?32.
6.A. Vandelannoote H. Deelstra F. Ollevier?999.The inflow of the Rusizi River to Lake Tanganyika.Hydrobiologia.407(0):65-73.
7.PEDERSEN L. JENSEN H. M. BURMEISTER A. HANSEN B. W.?999.The significance of food web structure for the condition and tracer lipid content of juvenile snail fish (Pisces : Liparis spp.) along 65-72N off West Greenland.Journal of Plankton Research.21(9):1593-1611.
8.H. Wennhage L. Pihl?001.Settlement patterns of newly settled plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in a non-tidal Swedish fjord in relation to larval supply and benthic predators.Marine Biology.139(5):877-889.
9.S. M. Moser D. J. Macintosh?001.Diurnal and lunar patterns of larval recruitment of Brachyura into a mangrove estuary system in Ranong Province Thailand.Marine Biology.138(4):827-841.
10.Peter Beeck Sandra Tauber Stephanie Kiel Jost Borcherding?002.0+ perch predation on 0+ bream: a case study in a eutrophic gravel pit lake.Freshwater Biology.47(12):2359?369.
11.Olafur S. Astthorsson and Astthor Gislason?003.Seasonal variations in abundance development and vertical distribution of Calanus finmarchicus C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis in the East Icelandic Current.Journal of Plankton Research.25(7):843-854.
12.A.M.P. Santosa A. Peliza J. Dubertb P.B. Oliveiraa M.M. Anglicoa P. Rc?004.Impact of a winter upwelling event on the distribution and transport of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) eggs and larvae off western Iberia: a retention mechanism.Continental Shelf Research.24(2):149?65.
13.J.Hein M. van Lieverlooa Dick W. Bosboomb Geo L. Bakkerc Anke J. Brouwera Remko Voogta Josje E.M. De Roosd?004.Sampling and quantifying invertebrates from drinking water distribution mains.Water Research.38(5):1101?112.
14.Chih-hao Hsieh Chih-Shin Chen Tai-Sheng Chiu?005.Composition and abundance of copepods and ichthyoplankton in Taiwan Strait (western North Pacific) are influenced by seasonal monsoons.Marine and Freshwater Research.56(2):153?61.
15.Kwee Siong Tew Wen-Tseng Lo?005.Distribution of Thaliacea in SW Taiwan coastal water in 1997 with special reference to Doliolum denticulatum Thalia democratica and T. orientalis.Marine Ecology Progress Series.292:181-193.
16.Tien-Hsi Fang Jiang-Shiou Hwang Shih-Hui Hsiao Hung-Yu Chen?006.Trace metals in seawater and copepods in the ocean outfall area off the northern Taiwan coast.Marine Environmental Research.61(2):224?43.
17.E. Gaard A. Gislason T. Falkenhaug H. S?iland E. Musaeva A. Vereshchaka G. Vinogradov?008.Horizontal and vertical copepod distribution and abundance on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in June 2004.Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.55(1?):59?1.
18.Peter Thor1 Torkel Gissel Nielsen Peter Tiselius?008.Mortality rates of epipelagic copepods in the post-spring bloom period in Disko Bay western Greenland.Marine Ecology Progress Series.359:151-160.
19.Cesar Vilas Pilar Drake Emilio Pascual?009.Inter- and intra-specific differences in euryhalinity determine the spatial distribution of mysids in a temperate European estuary.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.369(2):165?76.
20.Enrique Gonzlez-Ortegn Jos A. Cuesta Emilio Pascual Pilar Drake?010.Assessment of the interaction between the white shrimp Palaemon longirostris and the exotic oriental shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus in a European estuary (SW Spain).Biological Invasions.12(6):1731-1745.
21.Kesarkar K.S. Anil A.C.?010.New species of Paracalanidae along the west coast of India: Paracalanus arabiensis.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.90(2):399-408.
22.Iskender Glle Ismail Ibrahim Turna Salim Serkan G?l Pinar Glle Zekiye G?l?010.Zooplankton Seasonal Abundance and Vertical Distribution of Highly Alkaline Lake Burdur Turkey.Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.10:245-254.
23.Mianrun Chen Bingzhang Chen Paul Harrison Hongbin Liu?011.Dynamics of mesozooplankton assemblages in subtropical coastal waters of Hong Kong: A comparative study between a eutrophic estuarine and a mesotrophic coastal site.Continental Shelf Research.31(10):1075?086.
24.Min-Chul Jang Kyoungsoon Shin Bonggil Hyun Tongsup Lee and Keun-Hyung Choi?013.Temperature-regulated egg production rate and seasonal and interannual variations in Paracalanus parvus.Journal of Plankton Research.doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt050.
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