鎵嬫満鐗圏img class="sj_xl" src="//www.znpla.com/unionprocess/v2images/xia.png"/>


鍏充簬鎴戜滑 鍔犲叆鏀惰棌


6 骞滁/span>閲戠墝浼氬憳


褰撳墠浣嶇疆锛欬/div> 缇庡浗UP闈掑矝宸ュ巶--闈掑矝鑱旂憺 > 鎶€鏈枃绔燑/a>>

Union Process鏋勫缓鐢ㄤ簬鐮旂(閲戝睘绮夋湯鍜屽厛杩涢櫠鐡风殑澶氱綈瀹為獙瀹ょ爺纾ㄧ郴缁烖/p>

Union Process鏋勫缓鐢ㄤ簬鐮旂(閲戝睘绮夋湯鍜屽厛杩涢櫠鐡风殑澶氱綈瀹為獙瀹ょ爺纾ㄧ郴缁烖/div>

缇庡浗淇勪亥淇勫窞Union Process,Inc.,鍏ㄧ悆鐭ュ悕鐨勭爺纾ㄥ拰鍒嗘暎绯荤粺璁惧鍒堕€犲晢锛屽悓鏃朵篃鏄爺纾ㄤ粙璐ㄥ拰鐗规€ф潗鏂欐湇鍔′緵搴斿晢锛屽箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬宸ヤ笟鍜岀爺绌堕鍩熴€傜爺鍙戝嚭鐮旂(閲戝睘绮夋湯鍜屽厛杩涢櫠鐡风殑澶氱綈瀹為獙瀹ょ爺纾ㄧ郴缁熴€侟/p>




鑷?946骞翠互鏉ワ紝Union Process涓€鐩磋嚧鍔涗簬涓哄叏鐞冨悇绉嶅簲鐢ㄧ殑瀹㈡埛寮€鍙戝拰鏋勫缓瀹氬埗鐮旂(鏈恒€俇nion Process鏄爺纾ㄦ満鎼呮媽纾ㄦ妧鏈殑鍙戞槑鑰呭拰寮€鍙戣€咃紝涓昏鐢熶骇骞叉箍纾ㄥ拰鍗у紡鐝犵(鏈恒€侟/p>


鍘熸枃濡備笅锛欬br style=";padding: 0px"/>

Union Process Builds Multi-Tank Lab Attritor System For Grinding Metal Powders and Advanced Ceramics

Akron, Ohio. . .Union Process, Inc., known globally as a manufacturer of particle size reduction and dispersing equipment, as well as a supplier of grinding media and materials characterization services for a broad range of research and industrial applications, has manufactured a custom multi-tank lab Attritor System for grinding metal powders and advanced ceramics.

The Attritor System includes usage of up to six grinding tanks, with six agitator assemblies all in a single unit, allowing for maximum versatility. The single point of control makes the system consistent and easy to use. This unique system provides the opportunity to accomplish multiple test batches under the same lab conditions. A timing belt assures that all connected Attritor shafts run at the same speed for the same period of time. A support column allows the customer to raise or lower the tank. This particular system was designed with MECO shaft seals so the customer could grind under inert gas.

Powered by a 3 HP, TEFC, explosion-proof motor, the system uses a variable frequency (inverter) drive installed in a wash-down duty enclosure mounted remotely. On the machine, there is a stop/start switch with potentiometer for controlling the speed.

Customers may choose standard stainless-steel tanks, or for a metal-free system, tanks can be constructed from alumina, zirconia, or Tefzel庐.

Since 1946, Union Process has been developing and building custom Attritors for customers with a wide variety of applications all around the world.

Union Process is the inventor and developer of Attritor technology and manufactures wet and dry grinding mills as well as horizontal bead mills.


