马国红,教授/博士生导师,2006年博士毕业于上海交通大学,现任职于南昌大学机电工程学院。长期从事机器人智能化焊接技术、先进复合焊接方法与工艺的研究。获得国家自然基金、江西省自然基金等项目资助。在本领域累计发表学术论?0多篇。中国机器人与焊接自动化专业委员会委员;JMPT、JMP、IJAMT、JIM、JOLT等知名期刊审稿人;国家自然基金通讯评议专家。主讲本科课程《压力焊及机器人智能焊接技术》课程;研究生课程《材料连接智能化技术》、《智能控制理论与技术》等课程、br />
近年来主持的项目9br />
[1].2017-2020国家自然科学基金:镀锌薄板超声辅助GMAW熔滴过渡控制与工艺研究(51665037(br />
[2].2012-2015国家自然科学基金:基于DE-GMAW的镁合金薄板机器人焊接熔透控制(61165008(br />
[1].Guohong Ma*, YumingZhang. A novel DE-GMAW method to weld steel tubes on simplified condition [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Volume 63, Issue 1-4, 147-153(2012)
[2].Chaoyang Zhang, Guohong Ma*, Jun Nie, Jia Ye.Numerical simulation of AZ31B magnesium alloy in DE-GMAW welding process[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.78,No.5-8,1259-1264 (2015)
[3].He Yinshui, Yu Zhuohua, Li Jian, Ma Guohong*, Xu Yanling*. Fault correction of algorithm implementation for intelligentized robotic multipass welding process based on finite state machines [J]. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 59, 28?(2019)
[4].Guohong Ma*,Chunxiang Wu, Jia Ye,Yinshui He, Xiaokang Yu. Effect of Graphene on Microstructure and mechanical Properties of U-MIG Welded Galvanized Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 31, 20332-20344(2020)
[5].Ma G.H*, Yu XK, Li J, H YX,X Y. Effect of Alloy Elements on Weld of Galvanized Sheet Studied by First-principles [J]. Materials Science and Technology, No.11,Vol.36: 1139-1147(2020)
联系方式9br />