首页 > 产品中心 > 恒温/加热/干燥设备 > thermo赛默飞世尔箱式炉控制器Lindberg/Blue M Heavy-Duty
thermo赛默飞世尔箱式炉控制器Lindberg/Blue M Heavy-Duty
高级会员 2平/div> 称: 苏州赛恩斯仪器有限公号/b>
证:工商信息已核宝br /> 访问量:244505

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1200C Digital Single Setpoint Controller

Control console is fully wired and includes advanced microprocessor-based digital control a solid-state power module on/off circuit breaker and thermocouple input jack. Includes microprocessor- based PID control (proportional integral derivative) single segment single setpoint 1 ramp to setpoint. Built-in adjustable high limit overtemperature protection. Simultaneous LED display of actual temperature vs. setpoint. May be configured to display temperature in either C or F.

Option P 1200C Digital Single Program Multiple Segment Programmable Controller

Control console is fully wired and includes advanced microprocessor-based digital control a solid-state power module on/off circuit breaker and thermocouple input jack. Includes microprocessor- based PID control (proportional integral derivative) with single program with multiple segments for ramp (up and down) and dwell (timed hold) temperature control. Built-in adjustable high limit overtemperature protection. Simultaneous LED display of actual temperature vs. setpoint. May be configured to display temperature in either C or F.

Option B Overtemperature Control (OTC)

Adjustable digital overtemperature control factory installed on selected control consoles with “B suffix designation; see chart. Protects furnace and load in the event of primary control circuit failure. Overrides main controller and shuts off power to furnace if high limit is reached. Manual re-set required for safety. Operates via magnetic contacts through signal from independent thermocouple.

Optional RS485 Digital Communications Port

RS485 Digital communications port available as an option. Allows controller to be connected to a PC for remote monitoring and control of the furnace. Up to 30 units can be connected to one PC.

PRODUCT# Price Type
CC58114C - Digital
CC58114PC - DigitalWith Programmer
CC58114BC - DigitalWith Overtemp Control
CC58114PBC - DigitalWith ProgrammerWith Overtemp Control

Electrical : 208/240V 50/60Hz
Maximum Amps : 30
Exterior DimensionsHxDxW inches (mm) : 10 x 19 x 14(254 x 482.6 x 355.6)
Ship Weight : 40lbs/18kg

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