首页 > 产品中心 > 光学仪器及设 > 手动宽带可调谐光纤带通滤波器

手动可调谐光纤带通滤波器 DiCon Fiberoptics

DiCon的手动可调谐光纤带通滤波器 ,高?0nm范围调节的带宽,中心波长?550nm,窄带通滤波。采用带膜工艺,保证调节精度达到0.05nm Manually Tunable Bandpass Filters use a hard-coated thin film interference filter which is mounted between two angled fiber collimators. Wavelength selection is made by adjusting the filter angle using a high precision micrometer handle with 0.05 nm tuning resolution.


C Band可用 (1535 - 1565 nm)

带通平坦度Flat Topped Passband

良好的调节分辨率Excellent tuning resolution (0.05 nm)


宽带光源中心波长调节Tuning the center wavelength of a broadband source

实验室测试测量Laboratory test and measurement systems

噪声抑制Noise suppression

波长选择Wavelength selection

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