Zeta potential is an electrostatic potential that exists very near the surface of particles suspended in liquids1. Zeta potential (ζ) is responsible for particle-particle repulsion forces in colloidal suspensions and thus can be used to predict colloid stability against particle aggregation. Figure 1 illustrates a particle suspended in a liquid along with various notional regions around it. The“slipping plane or “shear plane is where Zeta potential is located versus the potential in the bulk solution. Within this slipping plane, the liquid is bound to the particle while it moves freely outside this boundary. The net potential far from the particle (in the bulk of the liquid) is zero.
Figure 1. A negatively charged particle suspended in a liquid. Notional boundaries are shown.
由于分散粒子表面带有电荷而吸引周围的反号离子,这些反号离子在两相界面呈扩散状态分布而形成扩散双电层。根据Stern双电层理论可将双电层分为两部分,即Stern层和扩散层。Stern层定义为吸附在电极表面的一层离子(IHP or OHP)电荷中心组成的一个平面层,此平面层相对远离界面的流体中的某点的电位称为Stern电位。稳定层(Stationary layer) (包括Stern层和滑动面slipping plane以内的部分扩散层) 与扩散层内分散介?dispersion medium)发生相对移动时的界面是滑动面(slipping plane),该处对远离界面的流体中的某点的电位称为Zeta电位或电动电位(ζ-电位)、/span>
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