证:工商信息已核宝br /> 访问量:91841
19span>Effects of disturbance frequency intensity and area on assemblages of stream macroinvertebratesOecologiaAugust 2000 Volume 124Issue 2 pp 270?79
29span>Caddisfly diapause aggregations facilitate benthic invertebrate colonization
39span>Biomass–density relationships and self-thinning of blue mussels (Mytilusspp.) reared on self-regulated longlinesAquacultureVolume 308 Issues 1? 5 October 2010 Pages 34-43
4Invasion and production of New Zealand mud snails in the Colorado River Glen CanyonBiological InvasionsSeptember 2010 Volume 12Issue 9 pp 3033?043
69span>The differing crustacean zooplankton communities of Canadian Shield lakes with and without the nonindigenous zooplanktivore Bythotrephes longimanusCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2003 60(11): 1307-1313
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