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Working principle:
经送料泵将物料从底阀送入研磨体内,主电动机通过三角皮带驱动分散轴上的分散盘带动研磨介质作高速旋转运动,物料受到研磨介质的强力摩擦、冲击、剪切变细,合格的浆料经上端叶轮分级机流出,而研磨介质和大颗粒在离心力的作用下被分离出去、br/>Wet slurry is pumped into the grinding chamber from the bottom of machine, and grinding media, which will be rotate at high speeddriven by grinding disc powered by the main motor, and the material will be powered by impact force, shearing and friction force, and the quality powder will go through the classifying wheel and the media and larger particle will be separated under centrifugal force.
HY立式砂磨机产品特?br/>Features9br/>1.玲珑剔透的个性化设计的HY系列砂磨机荣获了多项国家**,是专门针对于生产各类超硬物料如碳化硼、碳化硅、氧化铝、硅酸锆的微米级或纳米级微粉的生产而设计制作的高效研磨备、br/>The simple, high efficient and individualized design to the patented vertical frame type nano sand mill is specially designed for micron size or nano grinding of boron carbide, silicon carbide, alumna,zirconium silicate.
2.与同类立式砂磨机相比较,产量大、产品粒度集中、能耗低;在同等的能耗下,产量提?0%、br/>High production capacity, particle size in narrow distribution and low energy consumption, and the output can be increased by 30%, compared to the familiar sand mills under the same consumption.
Employ the grains of them as grinding media reduces the productioncost, assuring the product purity.
4.所有与物料接触部分均为特制耐磨防腐材料及不锈钢,从而保证了产品的纯度。分散盘及内衬的使用寿命**可达2100小时、br/>All touching the materials are specially made in wear resistantorganic polymer materials and stainless steel, and the product purity is assured. The service life of liner and dispersion impeller can be 2100 hours.
5.采用动态分级方式,产品的细度可调、br/>Use dynamic classifying wheel and the fineness of product can be adjustable.
6.与卧式砂磨机相比较使用寿命长,生产成本低、不存在密封磨损和泄露问题、br/>Compared with horizontal sand mill, the service life is longer, low production cost, no abrasion to the mechanical seal and leakage.
7. 根据用户的要求,主电机可采用变频仪,研磨速度可调、br/>The rotating speed of main motor can matched with a frequency transducer, the rotating speed of grinding speed can be controlled.
8. 配备热交换器,研磨体温度可控、br/>Being matched with heat exchanger, the temperature of main body of the machine can be controlled.
9.进料采用气动隔膜泵,浆料流量可控、br/>Feeding slurry by pneumatic diaphragm pump, flow rate can be controlled.
10.整机设计合理,无振动,无噪音,基础无需挖坑、br/>Reasonable design is free of vibration, noise and foundation pit.
11.坚固耐用,结构紧凑、br/>Sturdy and durable, compact structure.
12.主电机采用软启动,设备运行平稳、br/>The main motor equipped with soft start, stable operation.
13.主机装有皮带轮防护罩和联轴器防护罩,安全性能高,维修操作方便、br/>The main machine mounted with safety shield and coupling guard, highsafety performance and easy operation and maintenance.
碳化硅、碳化硼、硅酸锆、三氧化二铝以及催化式排气净化器涂层材料、合成分子筛、用于炼油的的裂化催化剂和矾土、二氧化铈、氧化硅及其他化工机械抛光浆料;用作磨损部件和其他的技术性的应用的三氧化二铝、氧化锆以及氮化硼;电子及压电陶瓷材料(如:钛酸钡);假肢材料;用于紫外线保护的二氧化钛纳米颗粒,用于彩色喷墨打印纸用的纳米二氧化硅等、br/>Silicon carbide, boron carbide, zircon and alumina, Exhaust Purifier for coating materials, synthetic molecular sieve, oil refinery cracking catalyst, bauxite, ceria, silica and the other chemical machinery polishing slurry, and aluminum oxide used for grinding parts or technical ceramics, zirconia, boron nitride, electrical and piezoceramic material (such as barium titanate), prosthetic material
, titanium dioxide nanoparticles for UV protection as well as silica nano particles for paper of color inkjet printer.
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