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Adopted with the lamination principle to continuously extrude and crush minerals, MPH multi-cylinder series crusher is a cone crusher with high-performance, heavy-duty design and real-time monitoring hydraulic lubrica- tion system. This type of crusher has the features of high operation rate, large crushing ratio, high productivity, high fine granularity rate, uniform wear, stable operation, long service life of spare parts, low wear, convenient operation and maintenance, hydraulic adjustment of discharge, high efficiency of oversized minerals passing, etc.
1. 破碎比高
2. 处理能力?br/>
3. 合格细粒级含量高于其他层压破碎产?br/>
4. 完善的层压环境决定了更加低的针片状含野br/>
5. 电动机能效率,破碎实际能耗利用率比高
1. High crushing ratio
2. Large processing capacity
3. Qualified fine-granularity grade is higher than other crushed products
4. The complete laminating environment determines a lower needle-like content
5. The efficiency of motor function energy and crushing actual energy consumption ratio are high
电动机功率(kw(br/> Motor Power | 破碎机重量(kg(br/> Weight | **给料叢br/> Max Feeding | 生产能力(t/h(br/> Capacity |
400 | 37000 | 351mm | 170 - 786 |
- 推荐产品
- 供应产品
- 产品分类
- CTL系列永磁粉矿干式磁选机
- MPH500破碎朹/a>
- 振动给料朹/a>
- CTDG系列永磁干式大块磁选机
- DHS系列振动给料机(中日合作(/a>
- SZF系列水平振动筚/a>
- 液压旋回式破碎机
- MPK系列涡旋强力反击式破碎机
- MPH系列圆锥破碎朹/a>
- 节能球磨朹/a>
- T_CCT系列永磁湿式粗粒磁选机
- VSI立轴冲击式破碎机
- MJ系列颚式破碎朹/a>
- 辊压朹/a>
- 移动式破碎站
- MC系列颚式破碎朹/a>
- NS与NH系列高速圆锥破碎机