该论文《Effect of molybdenum addition on oxidation behavior and secondary protection mechanism of FeCrAl coatings》发表于Materials Characterization,中科院JCR分区为一区Top期刊,影响因?.7。在文章我们使用了贝意克的真空管式炉设备,论文原文如下:The oxidation tests were conducted in a horizontal tube furnace (BTF?200C, BEQ Company, China) at 550 in air. The specimens were placed into the center of the furnace when the temperature stabilized and were oxidized for 10 min, 30 min, and 120 min, respectively. After the oxidation test, the specimens were directly taken out from the furnace and cooled down to room temperature in laboratory air. Before examining the cross-sectional morphologies, the oxidized specimens were encapsulated using epoxy glue and polished using abrasive papers.
文中所用到的设备正是安徽贝意克设备技术有限公司生产的BTF-1200C真空管式炉,我们使用该设备对我的样品下进行了550 ℃进行了氧化,氧化时?0min/30min/120min。贝意克设备具有良好的热稳定性、精准的温控和良好的保温效果,助力我们完成氧化实验。该设备购买?018年,已在实验室服?年,但设备性能依旧满足我们日常的实验,中间有过一次保外维修,贝意克的工程师给予我们很宝贵的指导,为我们科研的顺利提供了关键的保障,在此表示感谢,也祝愿安徽贝意克公司能够越办越好,更上一层楼?/p>
- 实验级有机小分子升华提纯设备
- 粉体碳纳米管生长设备
- 前端预热法硫化钼制备设备
- 六通道管式炈/a>
- 大面积CVD石墨烯生长设夆/a>
- 卷对卷连续化生长CVD设备RTR-III-80
- 单边手套箱升华仪 BOF-5-100-GB
- 小型浮动催化系统 BST-1400C-CVD
- 粉体碳纳米管生长设备BTF-1200C-3VT-5Z
- 小单温区管式 BTF-1100C-S-D-25
- 立式管式 VTF-1600C
- 掌上管式 (BTF-1100C-S-III(/a>
- 小型双温区多工位开启式真空管式炈/a>
- 前端预热双温区滑轨炉
- 1700 3.4L 高温箱式炈/a>
- 组合式四通道箱式炈/a>
- 智能?200℃滑轨炉
- 1600 18.7L 高温箱式炈/a>