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3-5th of Dec 2014 ChinaCoat 中国国际涂料屔/div>
「中国国际涂料展」是中国、亚太及全球范围内的行业盛会。展会自1996年开始举办,目前每年在上海和广州交替举行,已被业界公认为一个交流采购、拓展业务的重要平台,是必须参展的行业超级大展!2013上海展会取得了破纪录?5,736名观众和1,019家展商参与?014年「中国国际涂料展」重临广州,继续为行业服务,再创佳绩?br />
Chinacoat is an international exhibition of products and services in the area of coating technology. The exhibition offers a global platform for
自: 12/03/2014
到: 12/05/2014
国家 China, PRC
城市 Guangzhou
展厅 11.2
展位 K19-24
Chinacoat is an international exhibition of products and services in the area of coating technology. The exhibition offers a global platform for international exhibitors and trade visitors from the industry. In addition to the coating technology are also products from the area of printing inks and adhesives presented.
派勒智能 2014-10-27 | 阅读?628