品牌9/td> | |
产地9/td> | 常州 |
关注度: | 7069 |
型号9/td> | ZGH |
应用概述 General of applications
★ZGH type(vertical)high speed blender for mixing powder or powder with samll moistu re to design.It is a new type high—efficiency,regular and no died angle machine-/p>
★The contact parts materials are all stainless steel.The sti rring shaft with seal, ingdevice to avoid material swap and guarantee bearing and driving medium life-/p>
设备特点 Features of equipment
ZGH type (vertical) high speed blender is ou r company absorb doemestic and overseas advanced technology and design newest higefficiency machine.It iS has these characteristic as follows
★Use instalI lhe bottom’s verticaI high speed paddle formative centrifugaI force impact materiaI.Iet it outside upward rolI and inside downward sunk like volution. Let the material inside.outside.up and down mixin and compound full.
★Use installthe parietal’s high speed crushed paddle to samrsh rolI materiaI of outside.at the same time lt is has disturbed function increase materiaI relative motion.enhance mixing result-/p>
★Due to two paddles combined action.It is can compound full and uniform at short time.It’s efficiency is higher and other mixers are difficult to compare-/p>
★There are no died angles of mix bin.It is emptying quickly and cleaning easy
★All contact parts of this machine are alI stainless steel.when mixing the raw material will not volatilizer.go bad and run off phenomemon.It is ensure craft matching demands-/p>
★The machine are suit fo r diffe rent proportionaI dry or wet raw mate rials to mix.it is speciallY for chlcken extract.medicine a ranuIe and drink powde r to compound、/p>
型号 Type |
工作容积(L(/p> Work volume |
搅拌重量(kg/次) Stiring weight kg/batch |
装机功率(KW(/p> Installed power |
重量(Kg(/p> Weight |
外形尺寸(mm(/p> Overall dimension |
ZGH-350 | 350 | 150 | 7.37 | 600 | 1500×1090×1200 |
ZGH-400 | 400 | 200 | 8.07 | 650 | 1500×1090×1300 |
ZGH-850 | 850 | 400 | 10.87 | 850 | 1718×1320×1400 |
All datas are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right to change but not not
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1996-04-25 2033-12-23