英国Allresist 正电子束光刻 AR-P 6200 (CSAR 62),高分辨率,用于生产集成电路和掩模的高对比度电子束电阻、/span>
-电子杞层thickn??5-1? evm (6000-1000 rpm)
- poly(-methyl styrene-co--chloroacrylate
该图显示了AR-P 6200电阻的示例处理步骤。所有规范都是指导倻/span>
必须适应自己的具体情况。For 进一 信息 processing ? “Detailed instructions用于电子束电阻的良好处理。征求有关废水处理和一般安全的建议instructions ? ”General 产品 信息 Allresist 电子 resists?
CSAR 62的特征是髗/span>等离子体刻蚀抵抗。In AR-P diagram 等离子蚀 玆/span>6200.09与的相比AR-P 3740(光刻?,AR-P 679.04(PMMA抗蚀?和ZEP 520A在CF4+O2等离子体、/span>
电子束照尃 所需的电子束照射剂量结构成像主要取决于所需 minimum 结构 size developer 加速度 voltage (1 - 100 kV) thickness. 菲林厚度、/span>
The 照射 剂量 AR-P 6200.09 experiment (? CSAR 62 PMMA) 比较55?cm?清除D0的剂? 30 kV 170 海里 layer developer AR 600 - 546 si wafer).对比是确定的14.2、/span>
因此,CSAR 62的敏感性是the?倌/span>标准PMMA耐蚀剂AR- p 679.03(在AR环境下研?600-56),或6倍以上的敏感,如果在AR 600-60. 两者之间的对比也更高,分别?倍和1.4倍,
用于制备10nm沟槽(174 nm膜,100n)AR 6200.09需要的剂量约?20 pC /厘米(30kv,显影AR 600-546)
E-beam exposure: The required e-beam exposure dose
for structural imaging mainly depends on the desired mi
nimum structure size the developer the acceleration vol
tage (1 - 100 kV) and the film thickness.
The exposure dose for AR-P 6200.09 was in this experi
ment (? diagram comparison of CSAR 62 and PMMA)
55 C/cm2 (dose to clear D0 30 kV 170 nm layer devel
oper AR 600-546 si wafer). The contrast was determined
here to 14.2.
CSAR 62 is thus 3x more sensitive as compared to the
standard PMMA resist AR-P 679.03 (developed in AR
600-56) or 6x more sensitive if developed in AR 600-
60. Also the contrast is higher by a factor of 2 and 1.4+/span>
An additional increase in sensitivity due to addition of
sensitivity-enhancing components occurs already during
exposure. A post-exposure bake is thus not required.
For the fabrication of 10-nm trenches (174 nm film 100n
pitch) AR 6200.09 requires a dose of approx. 220 pC/cm
(30 kV developer AR 600-546)、/span>
Lift-off structures:
Resist CSAR 62 is well suited to generate lift-off structu
res with a resolution of up to 10 nm. If the dose is
ased by a factor of 1.5 - 2 narrow trenches with defined
undercut can be fabricated with AR-P 6200.09.
Undercut structures obtained with increased exposure dose
High layers for special applications:
Films with a thickness of up to 800 nm can be produced
With AR-P 6200.13 and even 1.5-m films are possible
with experimental sample SX AR-P 6200/10.
AR-P 6200.13: 100-nm trenches in 830-nm thick layer
After vapour-deposition of metal and subsequent easy lift-off metal structures remain
19-nm metal lines after lift-off process with AR-P 6200.09
CrAu test structures with a line width of 26 nm
Another field of application for CSAR 62 is the production of mask blanks which are coated with our resist and
offered by our partners:
At a film thickness of 380 nm 100-nm lines and spaces can be obtained on a chrome mask with AR-P 6200.13. The sensitivity is 12 C/cm2 (20 kV AR 600-548).
Application examples for CSAR 62
Circuits for the 5 GHz range which are primarily needed for wireless Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technologies can in future be produced with CSAR 62. E-beam lithography is also required for the research on nanomaterials like graphene for three-dimensional integrated circuits as well as for op
tical and quantum computers. The computing power or memory density is constantly increased in each of these technologies. Applications with the highest demands on computing power (supercomputers) e.g. in computational fluid dynamics or in space applications thus also demand microchips with highest integration density.
Fig. 1 CSAR 62 test structure on a mask blank with 50 nm lines and 50 nm trenches; pitch line & space here 99.57 nm
CSAR 62 for highest-resolution lithography
In the work group for nanostructured materials of the MLU
Halle CSAR 62 is mainly used in highest-resolution litho
graphy for the lift-off and as etching mask for dry chemical
etching processes. The new resist offers several specific ad
vantages. It achieves the high resolution of PMMA but at a
much lower dose. Due to the high contrast vertical resist
edges are generated which allow a reliable lift-off even with
thinner films and ensure a uniform lift-off up to 20 nm:
Fig. 3 Chrome structures with 20 nm lines after lift-off
The goal in the lift-off of metal structures is however not
always to go beyond the limits of resolution. Typical appli
cations for example in the contacting of nanowires rather
require dimensions in a range of 30-50 nm which can also
be realised with other resists. The ?resolution reserve of
CSAR 62 however allows for significantly improved struc
ture accuracy and faster design with less iteration:
Fig. 4 Typical structure for contacting nanowires. Large areas are
mixed with small details
During dry chemical etching for example in the structuring
of silicon nitride CSAR combines the best of two worlds:
It not only allows the use as a high resolution positive resist
similar to PMMA but also offers a stability which is compa
rable to novolacs.
This facilitates the production of pattern with sharp edges
that provide the required etch stability without the dis
turbing faceting at the edges which otherwise occurs fre
quently. CSAR 62 is normally used for films with thickness
values between 50 and 300 nm. Intense plasma etching
for the fabrication of deep etch structures however re
quires significantly thicker resist layers and places special
demands on resolution and contrast. Resist AR-P 6200.18
was thus designed for high layer thicknesses of 0.6-1.6 m
and is particularly well suited for the realisation of high
metal structures with lift-off deep plasma etching proces
ses or nanowires.
Fig. 5 Lift-off structures with large undercut at a film thickness of 800 nm
Application examples for CSAR 62
It is nonetheless possible to produce trenches with a width
of < 100 nm at a film thickness of 800 nm. The high cont
rast is made possible through the use of our developer AR
600-546. By increasing the irradiation dose the degree of
the generated undercut can be adjusted specifically (Fig. 5 +
6). Each user can thus select the most favourable profile for
his specific lift-off process.
Fig. 6 AR-P 6200.13 823 nm layer dose: 1440 pC/cm
Fig. 7 Vertical structures at an area dose of 120 C/cm2 for nanowires
If circles are irradiated and developed in such thick layers+/span>columns (nanowires) can be produced due to a high metaldeposition (evaporation sputtering or electroplating) (seevertical edges in Fig. 7).
High-precision lift-off structures with the two-layer system CSAR 62/AR-P 617
The task in the IAP of the Friedrich Schiller University of
Jena was to produce very small high-precision rectangular
structures. For this purpose a two-layer system composed
of AR-P 6200.09 as top layer and AR-P 617.06 as bottom
layer was established. After exposure with e-beam writer
Vistec SB 350OS CSAR 62 was patterned with developer
AR 600-546. The bottom layer was subsequently develo
ped with developer AR 600-55 followed by coating with
gold. The lift-off was performed with a mixture of acetone
and isopropanole. The resulting structures are shown in
Fig. 12. The structure sizes are 38 nm with structure inter
vals of approximately 40 nm. In particular to be regarded
positively are the small radii of curvature at the corner of
the inside of the ?L?
Fig. 12 High-precision L-shaped structures produced with the
two-layer system AR-P 6200.09 /AR-P 617.06; right 2 Layer sytems
CSAR 62 High-precision square structures
A similar objective was pursued by this working group with
respect to the fabrication of square structures. The aim was
again to obtain corners with particularly high resolution. For
this purpose a CSAR 62 film with a thickness of 100 nm
was irradiated with 50 kV and developed with developer AR
600-546. In addition to the excellent properties of CSAR 62+/span>also the irradiation design is of vital importance (see Fig. 13+/span>centre: A; right: B).
Fig. 13 Different irradiation designs and resulting square structu-res (centre: A; right: B)
CSAR 62 Development at lower temperatures
The sensitivity of CSAR 62 is strongly influenced by the
choice of the developer. In comparison to the standard de
veloper AR 600-546 the sensitivity can almost be increased
tenfold if AR600-548 is used which is however accompa
nied by an incipient erosion of unexposed resist areas. This
is tolerable to a certain extent: If for example always 10
% of the layer is lost can this effect be compensated for in
advance. Erosion can also be avoided if the development is
carried out at lower temperatures but this is again associ
ated with a certain loss of the previously gained sensitivity.
It thus comes down to the fact that an optimisation of the
process is required. The lower temperatures offer due to
the more gentle development step the possibility to increa
se the contrast or reduce the edge roughness.
Fig. 14-16 show the sensitivities and resolutions of AR-P
6200.04 at 6 C and 21 C (room temperature). Due to
the high contrast at 6 C a resolution of 6 nm could be
Application examples for CSAR 62
Fig. 14 CSAR 62 structures at 6 C opt. dose 195 pC/cm
Fig. 15 CSAR 62 structures at 21 C opt. dose 121 pC/cm
Fig. 16 Max. resolution of 6 nm at 235 pC/cm and 6 C
CSAR 62 nanostructures written with 100 kV
At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology the suitability of
CSAR 62 for the fabrication of complex architectures was
investigated in detail. CSAR 62 layers were irradiated with
e-beam writer EBPG5200Z at 100 kV and developed with
developer AR 600-546. The results are shown in the figu
res below.
Fig. 17 SEM images (gold-sputtered): CSAR 62 nanostructures parame
ters: film thickness 200 nm dose 225 C/cm2 100 kV developer AR
600-546 3 min stopper AR 600-60、/span>
A particular challenge is the writing and development of
nano-sized hole structures. Using CSAR 62 a diameter of
remarkable 67 nm could be realised whereby the sophis
ticated structural element shows a very regular pattern.
Developer for T-gate applications with AR-P 617
X AR 600-50/2 is a new sensitive and highly selective de
veloper for high-tempered AR-P 617 layers (SB>180 C).
PMMA or CSAR 62 layers are not attacked which is of
particular importance for multilayer processes e.g. in the
manufacture of T-gates.
Fig. 18 AR-P 617 film thickness: ~1 m SB 10 minutes at 200 C 50
kV dose variations dependence of the sensitivity on the development
time with developer X AR 600-50/2 at room temperature stopper AR
The sensitivity can easily be controlled via the duration of
the development. At a development time of 60 s the dose
to clear is about 70 C/cm2 after 3 minutes of develop
ment about 40 C/cm2 after 6 minutes 25 C/cm2 and
after 10 minutes about 20 C/cm2 ! The amount of dark
erosion is very low even at longer development times.
Fluorescent films with CSAR 62 and PMMA
Fluorescent dyes can be embedded into positive-tone e
beam resists like CSAR 62 and PMMA. For this purpose+/span>
both PMMA and CSAR 62 polymers were prepared in a
solvent mixture which also dissolves the fluorescent dyes
to a sufficient extent. The use of different fluorescent dyes
allows a defined adjustable emission in various wavelength
ranges. These dyes are highly process-stable and structu
ring is performed in the same manner as in corresponding
standard processes with uncoloured e-beam resists. By
embedding dyes into CSAR 62 resist films could be ge
nerated which optionally show violet blue yellow orange
or red fluorescence. The intense fluorescence is retained
even after tempering at 180 C.
Fig. 19 Intensely fluorescing films of CSAR 62 on glass.
Fig. 20 Fluorescent structures (UV irradiation with a wavelength < 250
nm developer AR 600-546)
Fluorescent PMMA architectures were produced by Pre
cision Optics Gera GmbH via electron beam lithography.
These structures could be developed residue-free using
an optimized developer. If these resist structures are
cited with UV light (as shown in the two pictures) they
begin to glow intensely.
Fig. 21 Yellow fluorescent PMMA-based resist architectures
Fig. 22 Red fluorescent PMMA-based resist architectures
Due to the properties of these e-beam resists resolutions
up to the 10 - 20 nm range are possible. The main field
of this application is in optical industry; these materials
are e.g. required for night vision devices. Fluorescent resist
films are furthermore used for applications in microscopy.