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Our glass Tissue Floatation Water Bath has been developed using microprocessor controls and a modular design that has improved reliability and precision. The unit is low profile with a removable rectangular glass basin for easy cleaning. The glass basin is illuminated by LED light from the side allowing clear observation without glare against the black background. There is an ON/OFF switch on the control panel for the LED light. Temperature settings are controlled by push buttons for accurate and precise control and the easy to read LED displays show both set temperature and actual temperature. The corrosion resistant stainless steel temperature probe flips down into place. The probe has a termostat sensor inside that turns off when it is lifted up and re-starts when placed back into the basin.
Overall Size: 35 W x 35 D x 11.4 H cm (13-3/4" W x 13-3/4" D x 4.5" H)
Interior Basin Size: 25.4 W x 16.5 D x 5.1 H cm (10" W x 6.5" D x 2" H)
Maximum Operating Temperature: -75C 1C (103F)
Net Weight: 8.5Kg (19 lbs.)
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- 小型离子溅射?08
- 微波快速组织处理仪36500-230
- 大型幻灯片加热器12858-220
- 体视(解剖)显微镛/a>
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- 制样/消解设备
- 其他
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- 光学仪器及设夆/a>
- 分离/萃取设备
- 纯化设备
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- 色谱?/a>
- 农业和食品专用仪?/a>
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- 生物工程设备
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