酒业专用活性炭是在有关科研机构和专家教授直接协助下,专业工程技术人员现场操作,利用天然优质木材为原料,经筛选、分级和特殊的炭化、活化等工艺生产而成。酒用活性炭系列产品具有强大的比表面积和合适的孔隙结构,炭表面形成一种特殊的活性基团、span style="font-family: 宋体, SimSun; font-size: 14px;">酒业专用活性炭广泛用于酒类生产的后期处理,对去除酒中的沉淀物(低度白酒除浊,果酒、啤酒去除果胶、蛋白质、酵母等),提高酒质,加速酒的陈化,去除酒中异味及苦味等都起到很好的效果、/span>
Wine activated carbon is the direct assistance of the relevant research institutions and experts and professors, professional engineering and technical personnel on-site operations, the use of the natural quality of wood as raw materials, screening, grading and special carbonization activation process production from. Wine with activated carbon products with powerful than the surface area and pore structure of the carbon surface to form a special kind of active groups. Wines Activated carbon is widely used in wine production of the post-processing, the removal of sediment in the wine (low white wine in addition to the cloud, wine, beer removal of pectin, protein, yeast, etc.) to improve the wine quality, accelerate the wine aging, to remove the odor and bitter taste are all in the wine played a very good effect.
叶/span> | 胼/span> |
SB-201 | 低度酒除浊,催熟陈化 |
SB-203 | 去除酒精及高度酒中的异杂味,低度酒除浉/span> |
SB-204 | 防止高含酯量低度白酒低温下混浊及异杂呲/span> |
SB-205 | 去除糖蜜酒精异杂呲/span> |
SB-207 | 处理制备白酒的纯酒精 |
叶/span> | 基本功能 | 适应范围 | |
颗粒?/span> | SB-501 | 用于酒精脱臭去杂及低度酒的制夆/span> | 中低档酒的处琅/span> |
SB-503 | 高档酒的处理 |
叶/span> | 胼/span> |
SB-801 | 可消除高、中、低度原酒酒体的异杂味,使新酒产生绵柔、醇和老熟感。对酒精有较好的脱臭除杂功能、/span> |
叶/span> | 要功 胼/span> |
SB-901 | 经其净化处理的白酒新酒味消失,暴辣、邪杂味显著减少,酒体绵柔净爽,净化后的高度酒可任意加浆降度,在低温下不再浑浊、/span> |