规格:粒?00um-1um,含碳量99.9-99.99%、br/>性能:磷片结晶石墨、片薄韧性好、物理化学性能优异、具有良好的耐温性、自润滑性。传导性、抗热震性、耐腐蚀性等性能、br/>用途:广泛应用于冶金工业的高级耐火材料与涂料、军事工业火工材料安定剂、轻工业的铅笔芯、电气工业的碳刷、电池工业的电极、化肥工业的催化剂。鳞片石墨经过深加工,又可生产出石墨乳、石墨密封材料与复合材料、石墨制品、石墨减磨添加剂等高新技术产品,成为各个工业部门的重要非金属矿物原料、br/>Specification : The particle size ranges from 500um to 1um , and the carbon content ranges from 80 to 99.99%.
Advantages : Perfect crystallization , thin flake , good flexibility , excellent chemical and physical properties , superior conductivity , self-lubricity and resistance to temperature , corrosion and hot shock , and much more .
Usage : Crystaline flake graphite is widely used as an essential nonmetallic mineral in almost all industries . It can be used as high-quality refractory material or coatings in metallrugical industry ,
Black lead in light industry , carbon brush in electronics industry , electrode in battery industry and catalyst in chemical fertilizer industry , to name just a few . After being deep processed , crystalline flake graphite can be used to produce TV tube coatings , graphite sealing material and composite material , graphite products , graphite friction reducing additives and many other high-tech products .