虚拟号将 180 秒后失效
高效搅拌槽Efficient mixing slot
由传动装置、下掠式搅拌叶轮、弧形复曲面、导流装置、槽体部件组成、br/> 下掠式搅拌叶轮的旋转,使矿浆在槽底设置的弧形复曲面导流装置的作用下,矿桨呈“w”循环,流态以轴向为主,搅拌力强,槽内无死角,搅拌均匀、br/> It Is composed of drive equipment, sweep down mixing impeller, arc surface, flow guiding device and slot body
component. The rotation of the sweep down mixing impeller will make the pulp present.“w“shape and do the convective
motion toward the surroundings under the effect of the flow guiding device of the arc surface a曰he bottom of the slot and the
fluid will flow up and down in circulating direction and presents the shearing convection.
适用于拉度小?.0mm.比,小干4.7.浓度低于70%(按质量计)的浆体,搅拌强?不沉槽,动力消耗低,搅拌叶轮使用寿命长。可广泛适用于选矿厂、湿法冶炼厂及某些轻化工行业的浆体制备、br/> Main purpose:
It is applicable to the pulp whose granularity is less than 1.0mm, proportion is less than 4.7 and concentration is less than
70% (calculated according to the quality). It owns the intense agitation, non-deposit in the slot, low power consumption and
long service life of the mixing wheel. It can be widely used in the slurry manufacture of concentrator, wet process smelter and some light chemical industries