特点 Features 采用先进的工业计算机控制系统,实现“人机对话”方式,使操作简单且明确 滚筒热封、花纹采用完整、连续的棋盘纹使封口纹边整齐和清晰 采用摆杆式可调量杯计量且计量准确,无破损飞溅现象,更适合高速袋包装机的运用 自动完成制袋,计量、充填、封合、切断、计数和打印批号适用于包装医药、食品、化工等行业的包装 壳体及物料接触部位全部使用不锈钢材料 Adopted advanced industrial computer control system to have a man-machine interface, which makes it operate easier. The cylinder heating sealing, the pattern adopted complete, continual grid to have sealing port in a good order and clear.? Adopted swing rod adjustable dose cup to meter accurately, without breakage, so it is more applicable for the high-speed packing machinery. It is applicable for packing the medicine, foodstuff, chemical products, etc. The body and the parts touching the material are made of stainless steel. 适合物料 Suitable material 咖啡粉、药丸、盐、麦片、白糖等颗粒状物品 It is applicable for packing the granules like coffee powder, pellets, tablets, salt, oatmeal and white sugar.
HL-K100辊封颗粒包装 信息由温州惠利机械有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于HL-K100辊封颗粒包装 报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询
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