特点 Features 适用于多种物料分别计量的包装;计量准确,且可对各种物料在一定范围内进行无级调节,操作简单,方便,大大降低劳动强度,与传统的单物包装机相比,生产效率提高一倍 制袋形式:枕形袋、三边封、四边封、连袋、分切袋 包装运行数据及调节在显示屏上直观显示,直接操 装配光电控制装置保证包装袋图案完 自动完成制袋,计量,充填,封合,断切,计数,打印批号 壳体及物料接触部位使用不锈钢材料 The packing data and adjustment can be displayed on the screen. The user can directly operate it on it. Assembled with a photoelectric controller to ensure that its packing bag figure are perfect. It can automatically finish making-bag, metering, filling, sealing, cutting, counting and printing batch number. The body and the parts touching the material are made of stainless steel 适合物料 Suitable material 食品,医药,化工,种子,日化行业松散状无粘性颗粒物 It is applicable for packing foodstuff, medicine, chemical industry, seed, and the loosing non-sticking granule daily chemical industry.
SJIII-KZH100颗粒多物料组合式包装 信息由温州惠利机械有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于SJIII-KZH100颗粒多物料组合式包装 报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询
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