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美国Harvard Apparatus成立?901,是一家超过百年的实验仪器生产和销售的**公司 美国Harvard Apparatus公司除向专业客户提供动物手术台外,还向客户提供手术灯和照明设备、热耦合温度控制系统?strong>动物恒温?/strong>、热疗垫、小动物孵育箱、各种手术放大器、内窥镜
动物体内的温度控制在动物恒温?/strong>*简協/span>-反馈回路,保持动物的温度?多功胼/span>-可提供三种尺寷/span>-成年小鼠,大鼠,猫,狗或大小相似的动?/span>?选择由硬式或柔性探头: -硬式探头可用于小鼠,
-柔性的探头用于小鼠以及较大的动物(不适合小鼠(/span>?新的轻重量包裄/span>?改进的电子电路学?适合与高增益记录设备?展示控制单元实际体温,范図/span>35 臲/span>40 C'/span>95 ?/span>104 F(/span> 在手术期间,正strong>动物恒温?/strong>能够有效地监测动物体温。动物的核心体温由加热毯监测,加热毯中含有高柔性的绝缘发热元件。此毯带有2米长电缆,以连接控制部件、/span> 将柔性的测温探头插入直肠,并在控制器面板上设定所需温度。探头是一个精密热敏电阻,被包裹在一个环氧树脂小球内,该小球位于一根中空塑料管顶部;探头带有2毫米长的电缆,适用于各种各样的实验动物:/span> 动物恒温?/strong>系统的部件包括:控制器,柔性的测温探头,加热毯、/span>动物恒温?/strong>控制部件根据此测温探头测得的动物体温数值,以比例方式调节低压直流电源,从而控制加热毯的温度。控制器预设温度值为37C,调节范围为35?0C。如果动物的核心体温下降,电源供给加热毯的功率将自动增加;反之亦然。控制器上的液晶显示屏将显示探头测得的动物体温数值。一个横置的发光二极管图形显示条将显示输送给加热毯的功率水平、/span>
imple and Easy
Wrap the animal tightly in the heating blanket using tape ifnecessary. Insert the temperature-sensing probe rectally and setthe required temperature by means of the control on the frontpanel.
Should the animal’s core temperature fall power is automaticallyincreased to the blanket; conversely power will automaticallyreduce if the animal’s temperature rises. During this process theanimal’s temperature is continuously displayed on a front panel LCDdisplay.
This homeothermic blanket system consists of three parts: a probe,a control unit and a blanket. The flexible probe is a precisionthermistor encapsulated in a bead of epoxy resin at the top of aflexible hollow plastic tube. The 2 mm diameter probe is 100 mm (4in) long and has a 2 m (6 ft) long cable with plug for attachmentto the control unit. It is suitable for a wide range of laboratoryanimals from adult mice to large dogs.
The rigid probe is a stainless steel shaft with a diameter of 1.6mm. The shaft attaches to a 2 m (6 ft) cable with a plug thatconnects to the control unit. It is suitable for use with mice,rodents rabbits cats and dogs. The output of the temperaturesensing probe is used by the control unit to proportionally controlthe regulated low-voltage DC supply to the blanket. This method ofcontrol alleviates the interference problems associated with thatof non-proportional control such as switching contacts thusenabling the system to be used in conjunction with high-gainrecording systems.
The control temperature is preset at 37C (98.6F) at the factory,but can be adjusted within the range of 35 to 40C (95 to 104F)by means of a control on the front panel. An LCD display on thecontrol unit continuously displays the probe temperature. Ahorizontal LED bar graph indicates the level of power beingdelivered to the blanket. When core temperature is substantiallybelow the desired temperature the bar graph will indicate maximumpower being delivered.
The blanket consists of a highly flexible insulated heatingelement which can be folded without risking internal damage. It iselectrically floating with respect to ground however one end ofthe heating element can be grounded by a switch on the front panelof the control unit. The system operates satisfactorily whether ornot the blanket is grounded. Special circuitry eliminateselectrical noise thus permitting sensitive recordings.
Blankets are available in three sizes:
? Small Blanket: Measures 15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 in) and is suitable forrodents
? Medium Blanket: Measures 45 x 70 cm (18 x 27 in) and is suitablefor rabbits and cats
? Large Blanket: Measures 60 x 90 cm (24 x 36 in) and is suitablefor dogs
The blanket is supplied with a 2 m (6 ft) cable attached to a plugfor connection to the control unit. This system enables theresearcher to maintain an animal’s temperature within the presetrange of 35 to 40C (95 to 104F). Each system is suppliedcomplete with control unit temperature probe blanket and plasticcover for blanket.