美国PI公司作为科学?/span>CCD相机和光谱仪?*者,经过数十载技术创新,推出世界首台全焦面零像差成像光谱?/span>Fergie。它采用内置高灵敏度科学?/span>CCD芯片的全集成式紧凑设计,*简化光谱实验硬件设置。零像差不仅**化提高了光谱分辨率,也让成像和光谱的切换轻松自如。辅?/span>Fergie CUBEs模块化设计,无论是吸收、透射光谱,或是荧光、拉曼光谱,光路搭建都变得易如反掌、/span>
无以伦比的性能与灵活的扩展?/span> TriVista三级联光谱仪是真正的科研级仪器,具有业界中无以伦比的高性能与高灵活性、/span>TriVista的核心是?/span>Acton SpectraPro系列光谱仪,其本身就具有高分辨率,压制杂散光,成像性能好,可重复性高等优点。基于这样的基础+/span>TriVista三级联谱仪进一步提升性能,追求非常高的准确度和可重复?/span>. TriVista工作波长仍/span>200nm?/span>2.2m。整个工作范围的光谱分辨率可高达3pm,超强的杂散光抑制能力可以保证在拉曼光谱实验中采集到瑞利?/span>5个波数的数据. 超强的杂散光抑制能力 无以伦比的分辨率 多入口多出口设计 灵活的设计与操作——可以三级联用,也可以单独使用,或者任意选择组合方式 |
非常先进的光谱实验需要超高分辨率和超强的杂散光抑制,TriVista专为这样的实验而设计,旨在为科研工作者提供极好的灵活性和非常好的成谱能力、/span>TriVista三级联光谱既可以在加法模式下操作来达到超高的分辨率,也可以在减法模式下操作以实现优异的杂散光抑制. 用户可利?span>TriVista多入口多出口的特点来搭建不同的实验,例如UV-Raman和光致发光,可以通过软件来实现两个实验之间的快速切换 可使用不同的激光波长,同时搭建多台实验设备,使徖/span>TriVista成为一个性价比高的高端产?/span>. TriVista的应用包?/span>: 拉曼光谱 光致发光 TriVista offers excellent spectral resolution in additive mode. Data taken with TriVista 555. Suberb Stray Light Rejection in Subtractive Mode. Data taken with TriVista 555. |
TriVista Triple Grating Spectrometers产品参数与手冋/span>
Model |
Focal Length |
Aperture Ratio |
Spectral Resolution* |
Dispersion* |
TR555 |
1500 mm (A)500 mm (S) |
f/6.5 |
0.21 cm-1 (A)0.6 cm-1 (S) |
37 cm-1 /mm (A)12.5 cm-1 /mm (S) |
TR557 |
1750 mm (A)750 mm (S) |
f/9.7 |
0.17 cm-1 (A)0.4 cm-1 (S) |
34 cm-1 /mm (A)8.5 cm-1 /mm (S) |
TR777 |
2250 mm (A)750 mm (S) |
f/9.7 |
0.13 cm-1 (A)0.4 cm-1 (S) |
26 cm-1 /mm (A)8.5 cm-1 /mm (S) |
DM55 |
1000 mm (A) |
f/6.5 |
0.29 cm-1 (A) |
49 cm-1/mm (A) |
DM77 |
1500 mm (A) |
f/9.7 |
0.21 cm-1 (A) |
37 cm-1/mm (A) |
*with 1800g/mm grating at 500nm
A - Additive Mode
S - Subtractive Mode
Fig 1A Single configuration - all three stages can be used simultaneously and independently for three different projects. Figure 1A FIg 1B and 1C Typically the TriVista is utilized as a double or triple system. When the light beam is passed sequentially through 2 or 3 stages and the gratings coherently move together with very high precision. Some common reasons researchers choose a double or triple system are the high spectral resolution and the high stray light rejection. Figure 1C These important parameters can be accomplished by utilizing different modes of TriVista operation: 1. Additive mode gives high spectral resolution and high linear dispersion. 2. Subtractive mode gives high stray light rejection. |
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy TERS - Tip-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy SERS - Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Instead of fluorescence some types of colored molecules produce strong Raman scattering at certain conditions. This effect was called Resonance Raman. X-Ray Spectroscopy X-ray absorption spectroscopy is an element-specific probe of the local structure of elements in a material. Stimulated Raman Scattering Stimulated Raman scattering takes place when an excess of Stokes photons that were previously generated by normal Raman scattering are present or are deliberately added to the excitation beam. |