A Conceptual Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Observe both Proton and Fluorine Free Precession
Discover both the Curie Law and Spin-Lattice Relaxation
Measure Spin-Lattice Relaxation as a Function of:
Paramagnetic Ion Concentration
Observe and Measure Proton-Fluorine J-Coupling
Measure Absolute Value of gproton/gfluorine
Precisely Measure Earth's Magnetic Field
Hear the Precessions on Built-In Audio System
Study Bucking Coils for Enhancing Signal-to-Noise
Examine Effects of Tuning on Signal-to-Noise
It is hard to imagine a college physics or chemistry major graduating without having performed some kind of magnetic resonance experiment. Nuclear magnetic resonance has been and clearly will continue to be an important experimental tool in the arsenal of physicists chemists biologists and medical diagnosticians. Recent developments in quantum computing seem to indicate that magnetic resonance might become the basic platform of computer science hardware. There is no doubt that science majors should have a basic understanding of this type of spectroscopy.