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Dry Process Pump锛 Dry Loadlock
Pump and Heater Assembly.
Wafer capacity: Three two inch wafers.
Load lock: Loadlock chamber with hepa filter loading area.
Heater: Single zone graphite heater
Temperature control: Temperature monitor single point T/C锛 Eurotherm controller锛 single point
Sekidenko Pyrometer.
Group III MO sources: TMGa - 2 units; TMIn - 2 units; TMAl -2 units
Group V hydride sources: AsH3 -2 lines; PH3 -2 line.
Dopants MO: CP2Mg -1 unit锛 DeZn - 1 unit
Dopants Hydride: H2/SiH4 - 2 lines
Neslab bath: 6 units.
Piezocon: Single channel concentration monitor for TMIn expandable to Four channels (option).
Pump: EBARA A30;
Exhaust system: particle filter/ housing; Phosphorus trap; P-trap automatic regeneration system
Gas Monitoring: CM4 4 point toxic gasmonitor.(integration option)
Software: Windows based control software.
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