PNAS、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology?*期刊上经常见到它的身彰/p>
1983年,WALZ公司**科学家、德国乌兹堡大学皃strong>Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世?*台调制荧光仪—–strong>PAM-101/102/103,并在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外、/p>
1992年,Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世?*台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000(现已升级到PAM-2100),由于其既能在室内使用,也方便野外使用,因此在此后十几年中成为全球*畅销的调制荧光仪、/p>
MINI-PAM采用了独特的调制技?/strong>咋strong>饱和脉冲技?/strong>,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。MINI-PAM的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。MINI-PAM具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 mol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。MINI-PAM是野外光合作用研究的强大工具、/p>
标准版的MINI-PAM采用红光作为测量光。根据用户需要,我们也可提供以蓝光(470 nm)作为测量光的MINI-PAM、/p>
6)能耗低,内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池
功能1)可测荧光诱导曲线并进行淬灭分析(Fo Fm Fv/Fm F Fm' F/Fm’, qP qN NPQ rETR PAR和叶温等(/p>
MINI-PAM的基本组成包?strong>主机?(/strong>咋strong>光纤?(/strong>。主机内置大容量可充电锂电池?2 V/2 Ah),可供长时间野外操作(?000次量子产量测定)。标准系统还包括一?strong>电池充电器(3(/strong>和一?strong>“距离叶夹”(4(/strong>,以及一?strong>运输箱(5(/strong>、/p>
可选附件包括:可在测量荧光参数的同时测量PAR和温度的光适应叶夹2030-B?(/strong>:strong>微型光量?温度传感?060-M?(/strong>,可用于测量非叶片状样品的PAR和温度;可安?030-B?060-M皃strong>三角架ST-2101A?(/strong>:strong>暗适应叶夹DLC-8?(/strong>,带滑片开关,? g:strong>微光纤(10(/strong>,可用于测量微型样品,或与便携式光合作用测量系统GFS-3000的叶室连用在自然光下同步测量气体交换和叶绿素荧光、/p>
技术参数测量光:红色发光二极管(LED),650 nm;标准光?.15 mol m-2 s-1PAR;调制频?.6?0 kHz,自动转换、/p>
光化先/strong>:卤素灯?V/20W,蓝色增强,<710 nm?*连续光强6000 mol m-2 s-1par、/p>
饱和脉冲:卤素灯?V/20W,蓝色增强,<710 nm?*饱和闪光强度18000 mol m-2 s-1par、/p>
信号检浊/strong>:PIN-光电二极管,带短波截止滤光片(标准版?#955;>710 nm;MINI-PAM/B?#955;>650 nm);选择性锁相放大器?*设计)、/p>
数据存储:CMOS RAM 128 KB,可存储4000组数?/p>
测量参数:Fo Fm Fm’, F Fv/Fm(max. Yield) F/Fm?Yield) qP qN NPQ ETR PAR和叶温等、/p>
1.Anjum MA: Response of Cleopatra mandarin seedlings to a polyamine-biosynthesis inhibitor under salt stress.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
2.Beniwal RS Langenfeld-Heyser R Polle A: Ectomycorrhiza and hydrogel protect hybrid poplar from water deficit and unravel plastic responses of xylem anatomyEnvironmental and Experimental Botany2010:in press.[MINI-PAM HCM-1000]
3.Doyle SM Diamond M McCabe PF: Chloroplast and reactive oxygen species involvement in apoptotic-like programmed cell death in Arabidopsis suspension cultures.Journal of Experimental Botany201061(2):473-482.[MINI-PAM]
4.Du N Guo W Zhang X Wang R: Morphological and physiological responses ofVitex negundoL. var.heterophylla(Franch.) Rehd. to drought stress.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2010:in press.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
5.Fleck I Pe?a-Rojas K Aranda X: Mesophyll conductance to CO2and leaf morphological characteristics under drought stress duringQuercus ilexL. resprouting.Ann For Sci201067(3):308.[MINI-PAM]
6.Fhrs H Behrens C Gallien S Heintz D Van Dorsselaer A Braun H-P Horst WJ: Physiological and proteomic characterization of manganese sensitivity and tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in comparison with barley (Hordeum vulgare).Annals of Botany2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
7.Hasunuma T Harada K Miyazawa S-I Kondo A Fukusaki E Miyake C: Metabolic turnover analysis by a combination of in vivo 13C-labelling from 13CO2 and metabolic profiling with CE-MS/MS reveals rate-limiting steps of the C3 photosynthetic pathway in Nicotiana tabacum leaves.Journal of Experimental Botany201061(4):1041-1051.[MINI-PAM]
8.Ibaraki Y Matsumura K Gupta SD: Low-cost photochemical reflectance index measurements of micropropagated plantlets using image analysisComputers and Electronics in Agriculture201071(2):170-175.[MINI-PAM]
9.Jin ZL Zhang F Ahmed ZI Rasheed M Naeem MS Ye QF Zhou WJ: Differential morphological and physiological responses of two oilseedBrassicaspecies to a new herbicide ZJ0273 used in rapeseed fields.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
10.Jubany-Mar T Prinsen E Munn-Bosch S Alegre L: The timing of methyl jasmonate hydrogen peroxide and ascorbate accumulation during water deficit and subsequent recovery in the Mediterranean shrubCistus albidusL. .Environmental and Experimental Botany201069(1):47-55.[MINI-PAM]
11.Kao W-Y Lin B-L: Phototropic leaf movements and photosynthetic performance in an amphibious fernMarsilea quadrifolia.Journal of Plant Research2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
12.Kontunen-Soppela S Sillanp?? M Tuhkanen E Sutinen S Kangasj?rvi J Vapaavuori E H?ggman H: Photosynthetic characteristics in genetically modified sense-RbcS silver birch linesJournal of Plant Physiology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
13.Liu F Pang SJ: Stress tolerance and antioxidant enzymatic activities in the metabolisms of the reactive oxygen species in two intertidal red algaeGrateloupia turuturuandPalmaria palmataJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2010382(2):82-87.[MINI-PAM]
14.Liu F Pang SJ: Performances of growth photochemical efficiency and stress tolerance of young sporophytes from seven populations ofSaccharina japonica(Phaeophyta) under short-term heat stress.Journal of Applied Phycology201022:221-229.[MINI-PAM]
15.Liu F Pang SJ Chopin T Xu N Shan TF Gao SQ Sun S: The dominantUlvastrain of the 2008 green algal bloom in the Yellow Sea was not detected in the coastal waters of Qingdao in the following winter.Journal of Applied Phycology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
16.Nikiforou C Manetas Y: Strength of winter leaf redness as an indicator of stress vulnerable individuals in Pistacia lentiscus.Flora2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]
17.Pietrini F Zacchini M Iori V Pietrosanti L Bianconi D Massacci A: Screening of Poplar Clones for Cadmium Phytoremediation Using Photosynthesis Biomass and Cadmium Content AnalysesInternal Journal of Phytoremediation201012(1):105-120.[MINI-PAM]
18.Sanches MC Ribeiro SP Dalvi VC Junior MBdS Sousa HCd Lemos-Filho JPd: Differential leaf traits of a neotropical treeCariniana legalis(Mart.) Kuntze (Lecythidaceae): comparing saplings and emergent treesTrees - Structure and Function201024(1):79-88.[MINI-PAM]
19.Vervliet-Scheebaum M Straus A Tremp H Hamer M Maund SJ Wagner E Schulz R: A microcosm system to evaluate the toxicity of the triazine herbicide simazine on aquatic macrophytes.Environmental Pollution2010158:615-623.[MINI-PAM]
20.桂仁意, 刘亚迪, 郭小勤, 季海宝, 贾月 余明增, 方伟: 不同剂量137Cs-辐射对毛竹幼苗叶片叶绿素荧光参数的影?植物学报201045(1):66-72.[MINI-PAM]
21.Cela J Arrom L Munn-Bosch S: Diurnal changes in photosystem II photochemistry photoprotective compounds and stress-related phytohormones in the CAM plantAptenia cordifoliaPlant Science2009177(5):404-410.[MINI-PAM]
22.Cela J Falk J Munn-Bosch S: Ethylene signaling may be involved in the regulation of tocopherol biosynthesis inArabidopsis thaliana.FEBS Letters2009583(6):992-996.[MINI-PAM]
23.Dai Y Shao M Hannaway D Wang L Liang J Hua L Lu H: Effect ofThrips tabacion anatomical features photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence ofHypericum sampsoniileavesCrop Protection200928(4):327-332.[MINI-PAM]
24.Dai Y-J Shen Z-G Liu Y Wang L-L Hannaway D Lu H-F: Effects of shade treatments on the photosynthetic capacity chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content ofTetrastigma hemsleyanumDiels et GilgEnvironmental and Experimental Botany200965(2-3):177-182.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
25.Granath G Strengbom J Breeuwer A Heijmans MMPD Berendse F Rydin H: Photosynthetic performance inSphagnumtransplanted along a latitudinal nitrogen deposition gradientOecologia2009159(4):705-715.[MINI-PAM]
26.Kl?ring H-P Zude M: Sensing of tomato plant response to hypoxia in the root environmentScientia Horticulturae2009122(1):17-25.[MINI-PAM]
27.Li X Huang H Lian J Huang L Dong J: Effects of the multiple stressors high temperature and reduced salinity on the photosynthesis of the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularisActa Ecologica Sinica200929(3):155-159.[MINI-PAM]
28.Moreira ASFP Filho JPdL Zotz G Isaias RMdS: Anatomy and photosynthetic parameters of roots and leaves of two shade-adapted orchidsDichaea cogniauxianaShltr. andEpidendrum secundumJacq. .Flora - Morphology Distribution Functional Ecology of Plants2009204(8):604-611.[MINI-PAM]
29.Ogawa T Nishimura K Aoki T Takase H Tomizawa K-I Ashida H Yokota A: pfkB-type carbohydrate kinase family protein NARA5 for massive expressions of plastid-encoded photosynthetic genes inArabidopsis thaliana.Plant Physiology2009151(1):114-128.[MINI-PAM]
30.Oh S-J Kim YS Kwon C-W Park HK Jeong JS Kim J-K: Overexpression of the Transcription FactorAP37in Rice Improves Grain Yield under Drought Conditions.Plant Physiology2009150:1368-1379.[MINI-PAM]
31.Okuda K Chateigner-Boutin A-L Nakamura T Delannoy E Sugita M Myouga F Motohashi R Shinozaki K Small I Shikanai T: Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins with the DYW Motif Have Distinct Molecular Functions in RNA Editing and RNA Cleavage inArabidopsisChloroplasts.The Plant Cell200921:146-156.[MINI-PAM]
32.O?ate M Munn-Bosch S: Influence of plant maturity shoot reproduction and sex on vegetative growth in the dioecious plantUrtica dioica.Annals of Botany2009104(5):945-956.[MINI-PAM]
33.Pembleton KG Rawnsley RP Donaghy DJ Volenec JJ: Water Deficit Alters Canopy Structure but not Photosynthesis during the Regrowth of Alfalfa.Crop Science200949:722-731.[MINI-PAM]
34.Prider J Watling J Facelli JM: Impacts of a native parasitic plant on an introduced and a native host species: implications for the control of an invasive weed.Annals of Botany2009103:107-115.[MINI-PAM]
35.Shi G Cai Q: Leaf plasticity in peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.) in response to heavy metal stressEnvironmental and Experimental Botany200967(1):112-117.[MINI-PAM]
36.Shi G Cai Q: Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy cropsBiotechnology Advances200927(5):555-561.[MINI-PAM]
37.Shi GR Cai QS Liu QQ Wu L: Salicylic acid-mediated alleviation of cadmium toxicity in hemp plants in relation to cadmium uptake photosynthesis and antioxidant enzymesActa Physiologiae Plantarum200931(5):969-977.[MINI-PAM]
38.Then C Herbinger K Luis VC Heerdt C Matyssek R Wieser G: Photosynthesis chloroplast pigments and antioxidants inPinus canariensisunder free-air ozone fumigationEnvironmental Pollution2009157(2):392-395.[MINI-PAM]
39.Wu Y-Y Liu C-Q Li P-P Wang J-Z Xing D Wang B-L: Photosynthetic characteristics involved in adaptability to Karst soil and alien invasion of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera(L.) Vent.) in comparison with mulberry (Morus alba L.)Photosynthetica200947(1):155-160.[MINI-PAM]
40.Xu F Guo W Wang R Xu W Du N Wang Y: Leaf movement and photosynthetic plasticity of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) alleviate stress under different light and water conditionsActa Physiologiae Plantarum200931(3):553-563.[MINI-PAM]
41.Zhang H Dong H Li W Sun Y Chen S Kong X: Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance inAhCMOtransgenic cotton linesMolecular Breeding200923(2):289-298.[MINI-PAM]
42.黄鹏云, 罗丽娞 水稻矮杆鞘包穗突变体A846的叶绿素荧光特性研?中国农学通报200925(12):122-125.[MINI-PAM]
43.纪建伟, 解飞 Harbinson J: LED激发光源叶绿素荧光参数在线监控系统.农业工程学报200925(4):145-149.[MINI-PAM]
44.雷新明, 黄晖 王华接, 李秀保, 练健甞 造礁石珊瑚共生藻对富营养的响应研?海洋通报200928(1):43-49.[MINI-PAM]
45.吕洪飞, 皮二旭, 王岚岚, 沈虹: 遮荫处理的白英光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性研?浙江师范大学学报200932(1):1-6.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
46.张玉荣, 刘峰 单体锋, 逄少冚 利用叶绿素荧光技术揭示人工培育的铜藻幼苗对胁迫温度、光照和盐度的反?南方水产20095(2):1-9.[MINI-PAM]
47.Arena C Vitale L De Santo AV: Paraheliotropism inRobinia pseudoacaciaL.: an efficient strategy to optimise photosynthetic performance under natural environmental conditions.Plant Biology200810(2):194-201.[MINI-PAM HCM-1000]
48.Cano L Escarre J Fleck I Blanco-Moreno JM Sans FX: Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study usingSenecio pterophorus.Journal of Ecology200896(3):468-476.[MINI-PAM]
49.Dai Y-J Shao M-M Hannaway D Wang L-L Liang J-P Hua L Lu H-F: Effect ofThrips tabacion anatomical features photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence ofHypericum sampsoniileaves.Crop Science200828(4):327-332.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
50.Gomes FP Oliva MA Mielke MS Almeida A-AFd Leite HG Aquino LA: Photosynthetic limitations in leaves of young Brazilian Green Dwarf coconut (Cocos nuciferaL.‘nana‘/em>) palm under well-watered conditions or recovering from drought stressEnvironmental and Experimental Botany200862(3):195-204.[MINI-PAM]
51.Matsubara S Krause GH Seltmann M Virgo A Kursar TA Jahns P Winter K: Lutein epoxide cycle light harvesting and photoprotection in species of the tropical tree genusInga.Plant Cell and Environment200831(4):548-561.[MINI-PAM]
52.Matsuda R Ohashi-Kaneko K Fujiwara K Kurata K: Effects of Blue Light Deficiency on Acclimation of Light Energy Partitioning in PSII and CO2Assimilation Capacity to High Irradiance in Spinach Leaves.Plant Cell Physiol200849(4):664-670.[MINI-PAM]
53.Myouga F Hosoda C Umezawa T Iizumi H Kuromori T Motohashi R Shono Y Nagata N Ikeuchi M Shinozaki K: A Heterocomplex of Iron Superoxide Dismutases Defends Chloroplast Nucleoids against Oxidative Stress and Is Essential for Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell200820:3148-3162.[MINI-PAM]
54.Okegawa Y Kagawa Y Kobayashi Y Shikanai T: Characterization of Factors Affecting the Activity of Photosystem I Cyclic Electron Transport in Chloroplasts.Plant Cell Physiol200849(5):825-834.[MINI-PAM]
55.Pang SJ Shan TF Zhang ZH: Responses of vegetative gametophytes ofUndaria pinnatifidato high irradiance in the process of gametogenesis.Phycological Research200856(4):280-287.[MINI-PAM]
56.Read J Wevill T Fletcher T Deletic A: Variation among plant species in pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systemsWater Research200842(4-5):893-902.[MINI-PAM]
57.Sack L Dietrich EM Streeter CM Snchez-Gmez D Holbrook NM: Leaf palmate venation and vascular redundancy confer tolerance of hydraulic disruption.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2008105:1567-1572.[MINI-PAM]
58.Sawada H Shim I-S Usui K Kobayashi K Fujihara S: Adaptive mechanism ofEchinochloa crus-galliBeauv. var.formosensisOhwi under salt stress: Effect of salicylic acid on salt sensitivityPlant Science2008174(6):583-589.[MINI-PAM]
59.Shimizu H Peng L Myouga F Motohashi R Shinozaki K Shikanai T: CRR23/NdhL is a Subunit of the Chloroplast NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase Complex inArabidopsis.Plant Cell Physiol200849(5):835-842.[MINI-PAM]
60.Sienkiewicz-Porzucek A Nunes-Nesi A Sulpice R Lisec J Centeno DC Carillo P Leisse A Urbanczyk-Wochniak E Fernie AR: Mild Reductions in Mitochondrial Citrate Synthase Activity Result in a Compromised Nitrate Assimilation and Reduced Leaf Pigmentation But Have No Effect on Photosynthetic Performance or Growth.Plant Physiology2008147(1):115-127.[MINI-PAM]
61.Wang C-R Yang A-F Yue G-D Gao Q Yin H-Y Zhang J-R: Enhanced expression of phospholipase C 1 (ZmPLC1) improves drought tolerance in transgenic maizePlanta2008227(5):1127-1140.[MINI-PAM]
62.Yunusa IAM Manoharan V DeSilva DL Eamus D Murray BR Nissanka SP: Growth and Elemental Accumulation by Canola on Soil Amended with Coal Fly Ash.Journal of Environmental Quality200837(3):1263-1270.[MINI-PAM]
63.Zhang X Wollenweber B Jiang D Liu F Zhao J: Water deficits and heat shock effects on photosynthesis of a transgenicArabidopsis thalianaconstitutively expressing ABP9 a bZIP transcription factor.J Exp Bot200859(4):839-848.[MINI-PAM]
64.时翔 谭烨辉, 黄良民, 黄小平, 李元超, 董志冚 磷酸盐胁迫对造礁石珊瑚共生虫黄藻光合作用的影?生态学?/em>200828(6):2581-2586.[MINI-PAM]
65.徐飞 郭卫华, 徐伟红, 王仁卾 短期干旱和复水对麻栎幼苗光合及叶绿素荧光的影?山东林业科技2008(4):1-4.[MINI-PAM GFS-3000]
66.Blodner C Goebel C Feussner I Gatz C Polle A: Warm and cold parental reproductive environments affect seed properties fitness and cold responsiveness inArabidopsis thalianaprogenies.Plant Cell and Environment200730(2):165-175.[MINI-PAM]
67.Figueredo CC Giani A Bird DF: Does allelopathy contribute toCylindrospermopsis raciborskii(Cyanobacteria) bloom occurrence and geographic expansion?Journal of Phycology200743(2):256-265.[MINI-PAM]
68.Gielen B Low M Deckmyn G Metzger U Franck F Heerdt C Matyssek R Valcke R Ceulemans R: Chronic ozone exposure affects leaf senescence of adult beech trees: a chlorophyll fluorescence approach.J Exp Bot200758(4):785-795.[MINI-PAM]
69.Grams TEE Koziolek C Lautner S Matyssek R Fromm J: Distinct roles of electric and hydraulic signals on the reaction of leaf gas exchange upon re-irrigation inZea maysL.Plant Cell and Environment200730(1):79-84.[MINI-PAM]
70.Hernandez-Gonzalez O Villarreal OB: Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis in columnar cactus seedlings during ontogeny: the effect of light on nocturnal acidity accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence.Am J Bot200794(8):1344-1351.[MINI-PAM]
71.Martin R Asner G Sack L: Genetic variation in leaf pigment optical and photosynthetic function among diverse phenotypes of Metrosideros polymorpha grown in a common garden.Oecologia2007151(3):387-400.[MINI-PAM]
72.Mussgnug JH Thomas-Hall S Rupprecht J Foo A Klassen V McDowall A Schenk PM Kruse O Hankamer B: Engineering photosynthetic light capture: impacts on improved solar energy to biomass conversion.Plant Biotechnology Journal20075(6):802-814.[MINI-PAM]
73.Oh S-J Kwon C-W Choi D-W Song SI Kim J-K: Expression of barley HvCBF4 enhances tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice.Plant Biotechnology Journal20075(5):646-656.[MINI-PAM]
74.Okuda K Myouga F Motohashi R Shinozaki K Shikanai T: Conserved domain structure of pentatricopeptide repeat proteins involved in chloroplast RNA editing.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2007104(19):8178-8183.[MINI-PAM]
75.Ouelhadj A Kaminski M Mittag M Humbeck K: Receptor-like protein kinase HvLysMR1 of barley (Hordeum vulgareL.) is induced during leaf senescence and heavy metal stress.J Exp Bot200758(6):1381-1396.[MINI-PAM]
76.Pang SJ Jin ZH Sun JZ Gao SQ: Temperature tolerance of young sporophytes from two populations ofLaminaria japonicarevealed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and short-term growth and survival performances in tank cultureAquaculture2007262(2-4):493-503.[MINI-PAM]
77.Pang SJ Zhang ZH Zhao HJ Sun JZ: Cultivation of the brown algaHizikia fusiformis(Harvey) Okamura: stress resistance of artificially raised young seedlings revealed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurementJournal of Applied Phycology200719(5):557-565.[MINI-PAM]
78.Pinto-Marijuan M de Agazio M Zacchini M Santos MA Torne JM Fleck I: Response of transglutaminase activity and bound putrescine to changes in light intensity under natural or controlled conditions inQuercus ilexleaves.Physiologia Plantarum2007131(1):159-169.[MINI-PAM]
79.Shimizu H Shikanai T: Dihydrodipicolinate reductase-like protein CRR1 is essential for chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis.The Plant Journal200752(3):539-547.[MINI-PAM]
80.Timperio AM D'Amici GM Barta C Loreto F Zolla L: Proteomics pigment composition and organization of thylakoid membranes in iron-deficient spinach leaves.J Exp Bot200758(13):3695-3710.[MINI-PAM PAM-100]
81.Yabuta Y Mieda T Rapolu M Nakamura A Motoki T Maruta T Yoshimura K Ishikawa T Shigeoka S: Light regulation of ascorbate biosynthesis is dependent on the photosynthetic electron transport chain but independent of sugars inArabidopsis.J Exp Bot200758(10):2661-2671.[MINI-PAM]
82.Zaragoza-Castells J Sanchez-Gomez D Valladares F Hurry V Atkin OK: Does growth irradiance affect temperature dependence and thermal acclimation of leaf respiration? Insights from a Mediterranean tree with long-lived leaves.Plant Cell and Environment200730(7):820-833.[MINI-PAM]
83.谭雪莲, 张绪成, 郭天文, 夏芳琴, 张金枖 氮素对小麦幼苗叶片气体交换和能量转化特性的调控.核农学报200721(3):305-310.[MINI-PAM]
84.唐薇 罗振 温四民, 董合忠, 李维江, 辛承杽 干旱和盐胁迫对棉苗光合抑制效应的比较.棉花学报200719(1):28-32.[MINI-PAM]
85.徐飞 郭卫华, 王炜 徐伟红, 王玉芳, 王仁卾 黄河三角洲柽柳与芦苇光合特性比?山东林业科技2007(6):29-33.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
86.徐飞 郭卫华, 王玉芳, 王炜 杜宁 王仁卾 济南市校园6个绿化树种光合荧光特征比较初?山东大学学报200742(5):1-9.[GFS-3000 MINI-PAM]
87.Deeken R Engelmann JC Efetova M Czirjak T Mller T Kaiser WM Tietz O Krischke M Mueller MJ Palme Ket al: An Integrated View of Gene Expression and Solute Profiles of Arabidopsis Tumors: A Genome-Wide Approach.The Plant Cell200618:3617-3634.[MINI-PAM]
88.Fabricius KE: Effects of irradiance flow and colony pigmentation on the temperature microenvironment around corals: Implications for coral bleaching?Limnology and Oceanography200651(1):30-37.[MINI-PAM]
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