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LUYOR-3101S UV LED紫外线头盔式黑光?/span>
一种新的手掌大小,免提光源,可以带在头上的紫外线头盔式黑光灯,在检查中解放了用户的双手;LUYOR-3101S头盔式黑光灯是理想的荧光磁粉和渗透探伤,矿山检查等的测试工具;UV头灯配备了功能强大的UV-A?65 nm)的LED灯设计,LUYOR-3101S紫外线头盔式黑光灯的开/关按钮被定位在灯的背面,以防止意外的开关;LUYOR-3101S紫外线头盔式黑光灯特别设计的恒流驱动线路,可以保持UV紫外线强度恒定,即使当电池的容量不足的时倘LUYOR-3101S紫外线头盔式黑光灯头部可?0度的上下调整、/p>
LUYOR-3101S UV LED紫外线头盔式黑光?/strong>规格9/span>
紫外线强度:10000W/ cm 距离?8cm;
UV LED数量? 5W 365NM UV LED,LED平均寿命?0?00小时;
照射面积 50mm ?8厘米距离
产品尺寸?0 *38毫米,重量:200g不含附件
LUYOR-3101S UV LED紫外线头盔式黑光?/strong>产品特点9/span>
1. 1 5W 365NM UV LED?00%固态电路确保正常工作的强磁场;
2. 低可见光发光:小?英尺烛光?2勒克司):/p>
LUYOR-3101S UV LED紫外线头盔式黑光?/strong>标准包装包括9/span>
LUYOR-3101S头盔式黑光灯 ,充电器,工具箱;紫外线防护眼镛/span>(橙色或黄色(/p> LUYOR-3101S头盔式黑光灯应用9/span> 渗透测试,荧光检浊/p> 生物聚合物,荧光观察 制冷剂泄漏检浊/p> 发动机机油泄漏检浊/p> 刑侦指纹,血液观寞/p> 矿石的荧光观寞/p> 油污清洗检浊/p> LUYOR-3101S头盔式黑光灯主要用途: 荧光检测:钢铁,有色金属,汽车,飞机,荧光渗透探伤,荧光磁粉探伤 污染检查:电子元器件,电路板,灰尘检查,LCD面板,进入洁净室所检?/p> 泄漏检查:液压机,水池,管道和其他石油泄漏检测,检漏,利用荧光剁/p> 除油清洗验证:食品工业,厨房,炊具,餐具的脱脂清洖/p> The LUYOR-3101S is a UV LED Head Lamp designed to free the user’s hands during an inspection. The lamp can be adjusted in three different angles. The operator can switch the angles of the light during the inspection. The rubber bands are adjustable and fit helmets as well as heads. The battery is located in the back of the structure and there are no cables hanging from the lamp. The LUYOR-3101S reach full power instantly. The on/off button is positioned at the back of the lamp to prevent accidental activation. Each head light weights 271 grams (9.4 oz). The lamp contains one ultraviolet light emitting diode (LED) that peaks at 365 nm. The life of each LED is estimated at 30?00 hours. The battery has a running time of 3 hours (+/- 5%) and can be recharged from a normal outlet or a vehicle cigarrette lighter socket. The lamp is also equipped with a current regulator that keeps the UV intensity constant even when the battery fades. Each unit comes with an extra battery. The LUYOR Head Light is also available as white light. This small but powerful tool creates more than 10?00 lux (930 foot Candles) within a distance of one meter. The distribution angle for white light is spotlight. LED: 1 LED 365 nm Available in two different beams: Spotlight: >25 000 W/cm2 Midlight: >10 000 W/cm2 Life time expect: 30 000 hrs (LED) Battery running time: 3 hrs (+/- 5%) Weight (incl. battery): 271 gr (9.4 oz) Equipped with a current regulator which keeps the UV Intensity constant even though the battery fades