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本机为入??、混合、搅拌、干燥用设备,可以广泛应用于陶瓷、化工、医药、食品?br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>This machine is used for adding wax/glue. mixing. strring. and drying. 11 is widely used in ceramics, chemical,pharmaceutical, lood, plastics and powder metallurgy and other industries.
1.主要性能说明Main Performance Specification
独特的搅拌杆和刮壁刀的设?配合紧凑,搅拌均匀,不易凝料、粘料、结块、氧?不成团、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>桶料可独?上升、下降装卸料简单方?采用双保护功能的设计,确保机器设备与人员的安全、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>特别设计的加热冷却装置使入蜡(?,混合,搅拌,干燥,冷却五步一体将传统的几道工序结合为
一?既节约了生产成本又降低了劳动强度、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>装有数显累时器可对搅拌时间进行累加,也可设置搅拌时间,累加时间到了自动停止搅拌、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>可依客户要求设计带抽真空或带真空泵、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>可依客户要求设计带冰水循环系统,可配工业冰水机、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>可依客户要求设计带溶剂回收系统、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>可依客户要求设计带变频调?调节搅拌杆速度、br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>可依客户要求设计全浆搅拌?
Contains uniquely designed siming rod and a knife to scrape the wall ol the bucket. The stining rod and knife
work soamlessly. thus the mixing process is smooth, materials wil not curdle, adhere, cake, or oxidize.
The barrel to store raw material is stand-alone. and can be moved up or down separately. therefore itis easy
to load and unload. Double protection devices ensure securiy ol both equipment and equipment operators.
The specially designed heating/ cooling system combines all taditional procedures, i.e. adding wax/glue. mixing,
stiring. drying. and coling. ino one complete set, thus reduces the production cost, and labor intensity.
Time accumulator with digital display is included. It can be used to count the time ol each siring; or usod as
a siring count-down timner, which when seting crrectly will force the stirng operatin to stop when pre-defined time is up.
Customization available. Soe options below:
Manufactured with vacuum suction or vacuum pump
Manulactured with ice water recyeling system. Industrial ice water machine available.
Manufactured with solvent reycling apparatus.
Manufactured with variable frequency govemor to adjust the speed of string rod.
Manulactured with stimring rod lor full syrup.
Manufactured with higher speed of stiring rod.
2、主要技术参数Main Technical Parameters