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工作原理 WORKING PRINCIPLE9/font> 立式浆叶混合机是用来将两种或两种以上粉末物料混合为均匀混合物的机械。它依靠两组快速旋转的浆叶,推动物料作如下运动(见结构简图)?、以N轴为中心的旋转运动;2、主浆叶将物料从下铲起物料,使物料作由上向下的涡旋运动。三种运动的组合使多种物料实现均匀混合、/div> Vertical oar mixer is the machine used to mix two or more kinds of power materials evenly. It depends on double-quick rotate oar-blade to drive the raw materials moving as follows (view the configuration sketch).
产品特点 PRODUCT FEATUERS9/font> 如结构简图所示,本机由传动部?1,7)、浆叶装?2,4)、简?3)、出料装?5)与支?6)等部件组成 传动部分由电?、减速机7组成,以合理的转速带动浆叶装置旋转?nbsp; 浆叶装置由主浆叶4和副浆叶2构成,主、副浆叶与水平面倾斜,相错一定角度,方向相对布置。如图所示,当传动部分带动浆叶装置沿N方向旋转时,主、副浆叶带动物料沿筒壁作圆周移动,同时主浆叶带动一部分物料沿N1方向向上提升,副浆叶带动一部分物料沿N2方向向下落,填补主浆叶背面,形成局部物料循环。由于上述复合运动的循环,使物料混合均匀. 筒体3,作盛物料用、/div> 出料装置5,用于控制物料流出及放料、/div> 支座6起固定定?支承设备重量的作用、/div> View-the configuration sketch, the machine is composed of transmission part (1,7),oar-blade set (2,4), cylinder(3), material-discharger(5), foundation(6) and so forth. Transmission part is composed of motor 1 and reducer 7. It can drive the oar-blade set circumrotating at the reasonable rotate speed. Oar-blade set is composed of main oar-blade 4 and subsidiary one 2. which lean and stagger some angle with the level and are laid relatively in direction. While the transmission part drives oar-blade set rotating along the N direction, the main and subsidiary. Oar-blade will drive the raw materials moving circumferentially, the main oar-blade drives a part of raw materials to exalt along the N1 direction, the subsidiary one does some materials to drop along the N2 direction to fill up the rear of oar-blade and thus forms a part-recycle for the raw materials. Due to the abovementioned complex running recycle, the raw materials are mixed evenly. Cylinder 3 is used to load the raw materials. Material-discharger 5 is used to control the outflow and emitting of the materials. Foundation 6 is used to fixation and support the weight of equipment. 适用范围 SCOPE OF APPLICATION9/font> 本机转速较低,运转平稳,对热敏性物料不会产生过热现象,对比重悬殊和粒度不同的物料组成的混合物不会产生分层离析现象。广泛应用于食品、化工、制药、饲料、涂料、染料等行业的粉末固体物料的混合。本机为间歇式操作,易于控制混合质量,对固体物料配比经常改变的情况较适应、/div> The machine is low in revolution, stable in operation, not the superheat phenomena and will not produce the layer and education for the compound whose specific grvity and granularity, are different. It is wide used in foodstuff dusty, dyestuff industry, and so on to mix the raw materials. The machine is operated intermittently, easy to control the quality, of mixing and suitable for the different ration of the solid materials. 技术参 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS9/font> |