HZG回转滚筒干燥机HZG ROATING CYLINDER DRIER | | | 简介: | | 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES9/div> - 转筒干燥器机械化程度高,生产效率髗/li>
- 流体通过筒体阻力小,功能消耗低
- 对物料特性的适应性比较强
- 操作稳定,费用较低,产品干燥的均匀性好
- The mechanization content of rotating drier is high and its productive capacity is large.
- Because the resistance when fluid passes through the cylinder is small, the consumption of power is low.
- Have strong adaptability to raw materials.
- Its operation is constant and its operation cost is cheap. The homogeneity of dried product is good.
工作原理 WORKING PRINCIPLE9/div> 湿物料从干燥机一端投入后,在内筒均布的抄板器翻动下,物料在干燥内均匀分布与分散,并与 并流(逆流)的热空气充分接触,加快了干燥传热、传质推动力。在干燥过程中,物料在带有倾斜?/div> 的抄板和热气流的作用下,可调控地运动至干燥机另一段星型卸料阀排出成品、/div> After the damp raw material is put into the drier from one end, it is turned over through stirring-up rake inside the cylinder and distributed uniform in the drier and contacted with countercurrent hot air fully. It speeds up heat and mass conducting of dry. During the period of dry, raw material is effected by stirring-up rake with gradient and hot air, it can be moved and passed through the dry region and to star valve and then discharge the finished product. 适用范围 SCOPE OF APPLICATION9/div> - 适用于化工、矿山、治金等行业大颗粒、比重大物料的干燥。如:矿石、高炉矿渣、煤、金属粉末、磷肥、硫铵、/li>
- 对有特殊要求的粉状,颗粒状物料的干燥。如:HP发泡剂、酒糟渣、轻质碳酸钙、活性白土、磁粉、石墨、药渣、/li>
- 要求低温干燥,且需大批量连续干燥的物料、/li>
- It is suitable for drying raw materials that have large size and heavy specific gravity. For example: ore, slag of blast furnace, coal, metallic powder, phosphorous fertilizer, ammonium sulphate and so on.
- Dry powder, granule raw materials which have special requirements to drying. For example: HP vesicant, lees, light calcium carbonate, active white earth, magnetic powder, graphite, medical slag and so on.
- Dry raw materials the need to dry at low temperature continuously and its batch is large.
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