本机组是一种可以同时完成干燥和造粒的装置。按工艺要求得到所需的按一定大小比例的颗粒。本机组工作过程为从真空转鼓出来的物料和其他原料混合经过管道送入高速混合机器内混合,混 出来的物料进料高速挤压造粒机内,挤压出长条形规则的粒子,出料的粒子经过振动给料机进料一 级立式圆形转鼓沸腾干燥床,从一级出料的物料由螺旋输送机出料,采用风送进入二级卧室沸腾床 干燥出合格成品。尾粉和废气一起进料布袋除尘器或者旋风分离器进行固气分离,废气有排风风机 排空、br/> 本机组的热源装置采用蒸汽加热,具有操作方便、启动快、结构紧凑、热风干净清洁等优点、br/>
This machine can finish drying and granulating at the same time.certain size granules can be got according to the process requirements.its process as follows.material from vacuum rotary drum together with other raw materials fed into high-speed mixing machine through ducts,mixing.Mixed material entry into high-speed screw granulator.Regular oblong granules got.Next,granules fed into first level vertical round rotary drum fluidizing drying bed by vibrating feeder.and discharged by screw feeder.and then come to second level horizontal fluid bed.Fine powder and wast air separated by bag filter or cyclone,wast air exhaust from suction fan.
The heat resource of this machine is steam, convenient to operate,quick start, compact structure,clean hot air and so on.
特点 Features
4、操作简单稳定,控制方便,容易实现自动化作业、br/>1.Fast drying.surface area of the material after fluidizing is greatly increased.in hot-air current,60% water can be evaporated.special suitable for drying of thermal sensitive material.
2.The finished granules are cylinder-shaped.even granule,good flow-ability and solubility,high purity and good quality.
3.Widely application.according to material features,low-temperature drying do great helpful for material adaptability.
4.Simple operation, convenient control,easy to realize robotization work.
应用范围 Application
This machine is suitable for:food yeast,bread yeast, pharmaceutic yeast,feeding-stuff yeast and so on.