HF series square cone mixer is a widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, metallurgy, food, light industry, feed industry, new material mixer. The machine can be very evenly mixed powder or granules, so that the mixture of materials to achieve the best results.
鏂归敟鍨嬫贩鍚堟満鍘熺悊 Principle
The mixed material into a confined square tapered barrel, hopper and rotary axis of symmetry axis into an angle, different components of the material in the hopper in a closed three-dimensional space, movement, and spread a strong contraction flip, the best mixed results.
鏂归敟鍨嬫贩鍚堟満鐗圭偣 Features
鈼嶞/span> 鏁存満璁捐鏂伴銆佺粨鏋勭揣鍑戙€佸褰㈢編瑙傘€佹贩鍚堝潎鍖€搴﹁揪99锛咃紝浣撶Н瑁呮枡绯绘暟杈?.8銆侟/p>
鈼嶞/span> 鍥炶浆楂樺害浣庛€佽繍杞钩绋筹紝鎬ц兘鍙潬锛屾搷浣滄柟渚裤€侟/p>
鈼嶞/span> 妗朵綋鍐呭澹佸潎缁忛暅闈㈡姏鍏夛紝鏃犳瑙掋€佹槗鍑烘枡銆佹槗娓呮礂锛屾棤浜ゅ弶姹℃煋锛岀鍚圙MP瑕佹眰銆侟/p>
鈼嶞/span> The whole novel design, compact structure, beautiful shape, degree of mixing 99% volume loading factor of 0.8.
鈼嶞/span> Rotating a low profile, smooth operation, reliable performance, easy to operate.
鈼嶞/span> Barrel body wall were characterized by mirror-polished, no dead ends, easy to feed.
鏂归敟鍨嬫贩鍚堟満鎶€鏈弬鏁?nbsp; Technical parameters
鍙傛暟\鍨嬪彿 | HF-300 | HF-500 | HF-1000 | HF-1500 | HF-2000 | HF-3000 |
娣峰悎妗跺绉?L) | 300 | 500 | 1000 | 1500 | 2000 | 3000 |
**瑁呮枡瀹圭Н(L) | 240 | 400 | 800 | 1200 | 1600 | 2400 |
**瑁呮枡閲嶉噺(Kg) | 150 | 250 | 500 | 750 | 1000 | 1500 |
涓昏酱杞€?rpm) | 14 | 13 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 8 |
鐢垫満鍔熺巼锛圞w锛堻/td> | 1.5 | 2.2 | 4 | 5.5 | 7.5 | 11 |
鏁存満閲嶉噺(Kg) | 600 | 750 | 1200 | 1650 | 2000 | 3000 |
澶栧舰灏哄(鍔ㄦ€? 闀?amp;times;瀹?amp;times;楂?mm) |
1850×1280 ×1980 |
2200×1530 ×2220 |
2800×2000 ×2820 |
2930×2330 ×3355 |
3300×2550 ×3280 |
3800×3000 ×3800 |
cnpowder 骞冲彴瀵艰埅|涓浗绮変綋缃慄/a>鎼滅矇缃慄/a>绮変綋灞旤/a>绮変綋浜烘墠缃慄/a>绮変綋宸ヤ笟鏉傚織寰棬鎴饵/a>鎵嬫満绮変綋缃慄/a>绮変綋鍦堝瓙绮変綋鍏紑璇近/a>绮変韩涔板崠涓矇璧勮
闅愮淇濇姢 涓浗绮変綋缃 鐗堟潈鎵€鏈 浜琁CP璇?50428鍙 瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟鐑嚎锛?10-82930764 82930964
瀹㈡湇閭锛歝npowder@163.com 浜叕缃戝畨澶?101081901鍙
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