杭州海兴机械有限公司,是以破碎机产品制造为主,集产品设计研发,项目成套,设备安装调试为一体,综合性破碎设备制造厂家、br/> 公司座落于杭州市郊,交通十分便利。公司建立以来,依靠先进的技术力量和完善的机器装备向遍布全国各地以及海外用户提供了大批具有一流技术水平,质量可靠,性能稳定的机械设备,深受广大用户的好评、br/> 这里所推荐的设备中,必有能够满足贵公司需要的预购设备,选择了我们,您就选择了成功和希望。我们将为您提供优质,快捷、满意的服务。力争把我们的技术优势和产品优势转化为市场优势!竭诚欢迎新老用户光临我公司洽谈指导
Hangzhou Haixing Machinery Co. Ltd., a crusher manufacturing complex, is engaged in products design, research and development, as well as complete plant, equipment installation and debugging.
Being located in the suburb of Hangzhou City, the communication is convenient. Ever since the company was established, through the advanced technology and well-appointed facilities, a great amount of mechanical equipment with first-class technology, reliable quality and stable performance has been supplied to and well received by customers throughout the country.
We believe that among our equipment recommended, there must be one meeting your requirements. Your choosing us is just a choice of success and hope for we will provide you with superior. Try our best to transform our technical advantage and product advantage into market advantage!
We honestly welcome the old and new customers visiting our company and doing business with us as well as giving us good advice.