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heliCamTMC3- Fast Lock-In Camera
The lock-in camera was originally developed for low coherence interferometry but theheliSenseTMS3sensor and the camera board have found new life with a variety of applications other than OCT for example pump-probe spectroscopy. For ease of integration the Heliotis' core technology is now available as a rigid camera capable of capturing and processing more than 1 million 2D-images per second.
Software Development Kit The heliCam C3comes with software drivers and programming examples for
Parameter | Value |
Detector technology | CMOS 180 nm process with pinned photodiode |
Die Size | 19.71 mm x 16.89 mm |
Number of Columns | 300 (center 280 usable 2x10 columns are test columns) |
Number of Rows | 300 (center 292 usable 2x4 rows are test rows) |
Total number of pixels | 90?00 |
Column Pitch Xpixel | 39.6 m |
Row Pitch Ypixel | 39.6 m |
Photodiode dim. X Xphotodiode | 22.2 m |
Photodiode dim. Y Yphotodiode | 12.7 m |
Photodiode area | 282 m2 |
Optical fill factor | 18.0 % without micro-lenses |
Pixel Field Width | 11.9 mm |
Pixel Field Height | 11.9 mm |
Max. External Frame Rate | 3.8 kHz (2 x 10bit per frame) |
Max. Demodulation Frequency | 250 kHz (Equals an internal rate of 1M frames per second) |
Output Resolution | 10 bit |
Quantum Efficiency | 20-60% between 330 and 400 nm 60-80% between 400 and 720 nm 60-20% between 720 and 900 nm |
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