工作单位:哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料与工程系系主仺br />
学历:工学硕士(1981.9,黑龙江大学化学系高分子化学与物理专业获理学学士学位?985.9 齐齐哈尔轻工学院化工系精细化工专业获工学硕士学位?005年哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院高分子化学与物理专业在读博士)
出生年月?963???br />
业务简历:从事高分子材料专业本科生及研究生的教学与科研工作。讲授高分子材料研究方法、功能高分子、专业英语等课程。近年来主要从事功能高分子材料合成、改性与结构表征工作。现任黑龙江省分析测试学会常务理事,中国化学会会员。近三年,发表论?4余篇;作为主要参加者完成省部级四项科研课题工作,在研课题二项、br />
科研工作9br />
1、含硅聚酰亚胺的制备及其应用(哈尔滨市科技局创新人才项目2007RFXXG024),2007.12-2009.12?万元,负责人、br />
3、我省地道药材中有害物质测定方法研究(省科技厅攻关项目GB01C40303),2007.3.26省科技厅鉴定,第二完成人、br />
4、聚酰亚?无机纳米层压板(哈尔滨市科技攻关项目2004AA5CG112),2007.12通过哈尔滨市科技局的验收,第五完成人、br />
5、分散技术在超微粉体分析观测中的应用研究(省科技厅攻关项目GC02A3329),2005?2省科技厅鉴定,第三完成人、br />
6、进口环氧树脂固化剂的成分分析(20062301010225),2007.3验收,第一完成人、br />
发表论文9br />
1、Synthesis and characterization of nano-alumina hybrid polyimide films. Pigment & Resin Technology .in press. 第一
4、双(4-氨基苯氧?二甲基硅烷及其聚酰亚胺合成研? 材料科学与工 C-070269 ,已收录.第一
5、CF/Epoxy复合材料的界面自组装.复合材料学报?007?4(1): 28-33,第丈br />
6、EVOH/蒙脱土插层复合材料的制备与结构表?黑龙江大学自然科学学报,2006,23(1): 124-127,第事br />
7、双(对-氨基苯氧基)二甲基硅烷的合成. 哈尔滨理工大学学?2007, 23 (6): 110-112,第二
11、直接甲醇燃料电池质子交换膜的发展现?化学与粘合,2005, 27(3): 160-164?),第一
12、自组装法制备有?无机复合?哈尔滨理工大学学报, 2005, 10(3): 1-3??第二
13、二元胺/环氧树脂增韧BMI树脂的研?哈尔滨理工大学学? 2005,10 (5): 88-90,第二
14、自组装法制备Nafion117/蒙脱土复合膜. 哈尔滨理工大学学报,2006,11 (5): 97-104?),第三
Personal Information:
Name: Haoran Zhou(First Name Zhou Last Name Haoran, respectively)
Address:Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering
College of Materials Science and Engineering
Harbin University of Science & Technology
150040 Harbin
Member ofthe Chinese Chemical Society; the Director of the Heilongjiang Province Analysis and Testing Society
Synthesize and Characterisation of polymer materials; Morphology of polymer blends and polymer composite;
Master of Engineering, Refine Chemical Engineering, September. 1988 Dalian University of Science and Technology, Dalian, China.
Bachelor of Science, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, July.1985 Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China.
May. 2003 Present Teaching and researching in Harbin University of Science & Technology. Professor
Sept. 2002 May. 2003 Detection and Analysis in The Centre of Analysis and Detection of Heilongjiang Province. Professor
Sept. 2002 Aug.1996 Detection and Analysis in The Centre of Analysis and Detection of Heilongjiang Province. Associate professor
Aug. 1996 Sept.1992 Detection and Analysis in The Centre of Analysis and Detection of Heilongjiang Province. Assistant Professor
Aug. 1996 Sept.1992 Teaching in QiQiHar College of Industry and Engineering Assistant Professor
1 Zhou Hao-ran, Lin Fei, Liu Xin-gang, Zhao De-ming, Fan Yong.Study on testing methods of Al Contents of Polyimid Hybrid Films with Al2O3. 2007' Polymer Symp. of China. ChengDu,China
2 Zhou Hao-ran, Xu Shuangping, Liu Xin-gang, Zhao Deming, Linfei.Preparation of The PVDF/PSSA Composite Film. 6th FUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND APPLICATION SYMPOSIUM of China. WuHan,China
1 Haoran Zhou*, Xingang Liu, Deming Zhao, Fei Lin, Yong Fan.Synthesis and characterization of inorganic nano-alumina hybrid polyimide film. Pigment & Resin Technology,2008( published )
2 ZHOU Hao-ran; ZHAO De-ming, LIUXin-gang, LINFei, FANYong. Characterization of Inorganic Nano-alundum Composite Film of Polyimide. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2008,28 (3): (06989, acepted)
3 Zhou Hao-ran, Lin Fei, Zhao De-ming, Liu Xin-gang, Fan Yong. Study on testing methods of Al Content of Polyimid Hybrid Films with Al2O3. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2007(071705, acepted)
4 HE Jinmei, HUANG Yudong, ZHOU Haoran, LIU Li1 Self-assembly of the interphase of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2007, 24(1): 28-33
5 ZHANG Yu-jun, ZHOUHao-ran, LIFeng-fu, GONG Gui-fen, JIANG Jin-yong. Synthesis and characterization of EVOH /organic-montmorillonite intercalative composite. JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCE OF HEILONGJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2006, 23(1): 124-127
6 XU Shuang-ping, ZHOUHao-ran, LIN Fei, LIUXin-gang, ZHAO De-ming. Synthesis of Bis (P-aminophenoxy) DimethylSilane. JOURNAL OF HARBIN UNIV. SCI TECH, 2007, 23 (6): 110-112
7 ZHOUHao-ran, WANGHong-bo, SHI Wei.Development and Present Situation of Proton Exchange Membrane for DMFC. CHEMISTRY AND ADHESION, 2005, 27(3): 160-164
8 WANHong-bo, ZhouHao-ran, XUShuong-ping. Preparation and Charaeterizationof BMI/DA/EP System. JOURNAL OF HARBIN UNIV. SCI TECH, 2005,10 (5): 88-90
9 XU Shuang-ping, WANGHong-bo, ZHOUHao-ran, DUBo. Preparation of Nafion117/Montmorillonite Membrane by Self-assembly. JOURNAL OF HARBIN UNIV. SCI TECH, 2006,11 (5): 97-104
10 WANGHong-bo,ZHOUHao-ran. Preparation of Inorganie-Organic Composite Membranes
By Self-assembly. JOURNAL OF HARBIN UNIV. SCI TECH, 2005, 10(3): 1-3
11 Zhang Yujun, Jin Zhenhao, Zhou Haoran, Gong Guifen. A Study of Shrinkage of Composite System of Phenolic Resin/Polyurethane. FIBER COMPOSITES, 2004,1:12-14