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朱波 教授
专家姓名: 朱波 职务:
职称: 教授 专业类别:
社会兼职9br /> 1. 客座研究员,2013.9–现在,日本国立理化学研究所(RIKEN)(兼职)
2.邀请组织者和分会场主持,Symposium for Bioinspired and Biointegrated materials as frontiers nanomaterials IV,欧洲材料研究学会秋季大会,2014??5-19日,华沙,波兰、br /> 3.会议共同组织者,再生医学导向生物材料国际研讨?013?013?0?2日,上海,中国、br /> 4.分会场主持,Symposium 225“Organic Electronic Materials: from Small Molecules to Conducting Polymers? 2010环太平洋国际化学会议?010?2?5-20日,夏威夷,美国、br /> 5.分会场主持(Session Chair),2007生物基聚合物材料国际会议(International Conference on Bio-based Polymeric Materials 2007),2007??5日,横滨,日本、br /> 荣誉获奖:
1.上?*计划入选者,2014:br /> 2. 日本国立理化学研究所基础科学特别研究员奖学金?010.4、br /> 3.日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员奖学金,2006.10、br /> 4.日本文部省国费奖学金,2001.10、br />
工学博士,日本东京工业大学生物分子工程系?001-2004、br /> 工学硕士,北京理工大学化工与材料学院?993-1996、br /> 工学学士,北京理工大学化工与材料学院?989-1993、br />
基础科学特别研究员,2010.4?013.03,日本国立理化学研究所基干研究所(RIKEN Advanced Science Institute)
日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员,2004.10?005.09,日本东京工业大?br /> 产官学连携研究员?004.10?005.09,日本东京工业大?br /> 客员研究员,2004.10?005.09,日本东京工业大学生命理工研究科
课题组长?999.04?001.09,北京航空材料研究院先进复合材料国防科技重点实验宣br /> 研究工程师,1996.04?999.03,北京航空材料研究院先进复合材料国防科技重点实验宣br />
已取得的主要研究成果9br /> ?)仿生制备了细胞膜导电高分子,在此基础上首创了神经细胞识别有机导电高分子,使制备长期植入神经假体和人机界面神经电极成为了可能;
?)在运用导电高分子电刺激神经方面也取得突破,显著地提高了神经组织再生速度,轴突生长增强高?25%,优于Langer组的方法,结果已被Nature Communications接发表、br /> ?)首创可非损伤移除生物电极材料概念,并研制耦合电响应性导电高分子,基于该技术本工作将进一步实现与神经细胞靶向作用的电响应性对解决人工耳等神经假体修正和再植入对神经组织的二次损伤等技术难题的解决具有重大意义、br /> ?)在异性材料(如超亲水和超斥水)的电化学共聚和纳米尺度的逐层组装、全有机导电材料细胞模板、电刺激控制细胞定向分化及蛋白分泌等方面也做出了原创性的贡献、br /> ?)在高分子物理方面原创成果:发现海藻糖可替代水,以氢键网络完美稳定DNA的三维结构,并显著提高其热稳定性,为开发常温有核细胞保存技术指明了新方向;发现强作用相容高分子结晶引发的非晶组分纳米尺度的相迁移,为制备功能梯度材料提供了一个新思路;与合作者首次实现低熔点高分子在高熔点组分片晶之间的纳米受限结晶,为研究聚合物结晶成核理论提供了一个理想模型;首次实现了相容高分子在外驱动场作用下可控相分离并制备大面积功能纳米模板;首次阐明了高分子酶降解与链构象和运动性的关系,为生物降解行为的调控提供了全新方法、br /> 迄今为止已在Nature Communications Progress in Polymer Science,Advanced Materials,ACS Nano,Advanced Functional Materials,Macromolecules等国际学术期刊上发表论文66篇,其中SCI收录论文?2篇,影响因子超过5的为33篇,最高影响因子为26.4。论文总引用次数为1716次,单篇引用次数最高为267,H-index?3。在国际国内学术会议上发?8篇会议论文,做口头报?4次,主题和邀请报?次、br />
主要论文9br /> 1. Zhu, Bo; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Zhao, Haichao; Sekine, Jun; Lin, Hsing-An; Chen, Chi; Nakao, Aiko; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Large Enhancement of Neurite Outgrowth on a Cell-Membrane Mimicking Conducting Polymer Nature Communications, 2014, 5: 4523.
2. Lee, Jae-Eun; Kwak, Ju-Won; Park, Joon Won; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Zhu, Bo; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Nanoscale Analysis of a Functionalized Polythiophene Surface by Adhesion Mapping Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 6865.
3. Hsiao,Yu-Sheng; Luo, Shyh-Chyang, Hou, Shuang; Zhu, Bo, Sekine, Jun; Kuo, Chiung-Wen; Chueh, Di-Yen; Yu, Hsiao-hua; Tseng, Hsian-Rong; Chen, Peilin ?D Bioelectronic Interface: Capturing Circulating Tumor Cells onto Conducting Polymer-Based Micro/Nanorod Arrays with Chemical and Topographical Control Small, 2014, 10, 3012.
4. Lin, Hsing-An; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Zhu, Bo; Chen, Chi; Yamashita, Yoshiro; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Molecular or Nanoscale Structures? The Deciding Factor of Surface Properties on Functionalized Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanorod Arrays Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 3212 (co-corresponding author).
5. Zhao, Haichao; Zhu, Bo; Luo, Schyh-Chyang; Lin, Hsing-An; Nakao, Aiko; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Controlled Protein Absorption and Cell Adhesion on Polymer Brushes Grafted Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Films? ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 4536?543.
6. Zhao, Haichao; Liu, Ching-Yuan; Luo, Schyh-Chyang; Zhu, Bo; Wang, Tsai-Hui; Hsu, Hsiu-Fu; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Facile Syntheses of Dioxythiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers by Direct C–H Arylation? Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 4536.
7. Lacher, Sebastian; Obata, Naoki; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Matsuo, Yutaka; Zhu, Bo; Yu, Hsiao-hua; Nakamura, Eiichi “Electropolymerized Conjugated Polyelectrolytes with Tunable Work Function and Hydrophobicity as an Anode Buffer in Organic Optoelectronics ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 3396.
8. Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Kantchev, Eric Assen B.; Zhu, Bo; Siang, Yuen Wee; Yu, Hsiao-Hua “Tunable, dynamic and electrically stimulated lectin-carbohydrate recognition on a glycan-grafted conjugated polymer Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 6942.
9. Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Sekine, Jun; Zhu, Bo; Zhao, Haichao; Nakao, Aiko; Yu, Hsiao-Hua “Polydioxythiophene Nanodots, Nonowires, Nano-Networks, and Tubular Structures: The Effect of Functional Groups and Temperature in Template-Free Electropolymerization ACS Nano, 2012, 48, 3018.
10. Zhao, Haichao; Zhu, Bo; Sekine, Jun; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Oligoethylene Glycol Functionalized Polyoxythiophenes for Cell Engineering: Syntheses, Characterizations and Cell Compatibilities? ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 680.
11. Sekine, Jun; Luo, Shyh-Chyang; Wang, Shutao; Zhu, Bo; Tseng, Hsian-Rong; Yu, Hsiao-hua “Functionalized Conducting Polymer Nanodots for Enhanced Cell Capturing: The Synergistic Effect of Capture Agents and Nanostructures Communication, Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, 4788.
12. Yang, Jinjun; Pan, Pengju; Hua, Lei; Zhu, Bo; Dong, Tungalag; Inoue, Yoshio “Polymorphic Crystallization and Phase Transition of Poly(butylenes adipate) in Its Miscible Crystalline/Crystalline Blend with Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Full Paper, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 8610.
13. Liang, Zhichao; Pan, Pengju; Zhu, Bo; Inoue, Yoshio. “Isomorphic Crystallization of Poly(hexamethylene adipate-co-butylene adipate): Regulating Crystal Modification of Polymorphic Polyester from Internal Crystalline Lattice? Macromolecules 2010, 43, 6429.
14. Liang, Zhichao; Pan, Pengju; Zhu, Bo; Dong, Tungalag; Hua, Lei; Inoue, Yoshio. “Crystalline Phase of Isomorphic Poly(hexamethylene sebacate-co-hexamethylene adipate) Copolyester: Effects of Comonomer Composition and Crystallization Temperature Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 2925.
15. Pan, Pengju; Liang, Zhichao, Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua, Dong, Tungalag; Inoue, Yoshio “Blending Effects on Polymorphic Crystallization of Poly(L-lactide) Macromolecules 2009, 42, 3374.
16. Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua; Pan, Pengju; Inoue, Yoshio “Polymorphic Packing and Dynamics of Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxypropionate) ? Full Paper, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 9684.
17. Pan, Pengju; Liang, Zhichao, Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua, Dong, Tungalag; Inoue, Yoshio “Roles of Physical Aging on Crystallization Kinetics and Induction Period of Poly(L-lactide)? Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 8011.
18. Pan, Pengju; Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua, Dong, Tungalag; Inoue, Yoshio “Polymorphic Transition in Disordered Poly(L-lactide) Crystals Induced by Annealing at Elevated Temperatures? Macromolecules 2008, 41, 4296.
19. Zhu, Bo; He, Yong; Haruo, Nishida, Yazawa, Koji; Ishii, Nariaki; Kasuya, Ken-ichi; Inoue, Yoshio “Crystalline Structure-Dependent Enzymatic Degradation of Polymorphic Poly(3-hydroxypropionate)? Biomacromolecules 2008, 9, 1221.
20. Pan, Pengju; Zhu, Bo; Dong, Tungalag; Yazawa, Koji; Shimizu, Tadashi; Tansho, Masataka; Inoue, Yoshio “Conformational and Microstructural Characteristics of Poly(L-lactide) during glass transition and physical aging Full Paper, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008, 129, 184902/1.
21 Zhu, Bo; Furuki, Takao; Okuda, Takashi; Sakurai, Minoru “Natural DNA Mixed with Trehalose Persists in B-Form Double-Stranding Even in the Dry State Letter, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111, 20, 5542.
22. Pan, Pengju; Zhu, Bo; Inoue, Yoshio “Enthalpy Relaxation and Embrittlement of Poly (L-lactide) During Physical Aging? Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 9664.
23. Pan, Pengju; Kai, Weihua; Zhu, Bo; Tungalag Dong, Yoshio Inoue “Polymorphous Crystallization and Multiple Melting Behavior of Poly(L-lactide): Molecular Weight Dependence? Macromolecules 2007, 40, 6898.
24. Dong, Tungalag; Shin, Kyung-Moo; Zhu, Bo; Inoue, Yoshio “Nucleation and Crystallization Behavior of Poly(butylene succinate) Induced by Its ?-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex : Effect of Stoichiometry Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 2427.
25. Zhu, Bo; He, Yong; Yoshie, Naoko; Naoki Asakawa; Nishida, Haruo; Inoue, Yoshio “A New Crystal Form Favored in Low-Molecular-Weight Poly(3-hydroxypropionate) Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 194.
26. Kai, Weihua; Zhao, Li; Zhu, Bo; Inoue, Yoshio “Enforcing Effect of Double-Fullerene End-Capped Poly(ethylene oxide) on Mechanical Properties of Poly(L-lactic acid)? Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2006, 27, 109.
27. Zhu, Bo; He, Yong; Yoshie, Naoko; Naoki Asakawa; Nishida, Haruo; Inoue, Yoshio “Polymorphic Crystallization and Melting-Recrystallization Behavior of Poly(3-hydroxypropionate) Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 6455.
28. Dong, Tungalag; He, Yong; Zhu, Bo; Shin, Kyung-Moo; Inoue, Yoshio “Nucleation Mechanism of ?-Cyclodextrin-Enhanced Crystallization of Biodegradable Polymers Full Paper, Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 7736.
29. Zhu, Bo; He, Yong; Naoki Asakawa; Yoshie, Naoko; Nishida, Haruo; Inoue, Yoshio “A New Crystal Form, Polymorphism and Multi-Morphology in Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxypropionate) Communication, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2005, 26, 581.
30. He, Yong; Zhu, Bo; Inoue, Yoshio “Hydrogen Bonds in Polymer Blends Progress in Polymer Science, 2004, 29, 1021.
31. He, Yong; Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua; Inoue, Yoshio “Effects of Crystallization Condition of Poly(butylene succinate) Component on the Crystallization of Poly(ethylene oxide) Component in their Miscible Blends? Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 8050.
32. Zhu, Bo; He, Yong; Yoshie, Naoko; Asakawa, Naoki; Inoue,Yoshio “Partial Phase Segregation in Strongly Hydrogen-Bonded and Miscible Blends Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 3257.
33. He, Yong; Zhu, Bo; Kai, Weihua; Inoue, Yoshio “Nanoscale-Confined and Fractional Crystallization of Poly(ethylene oxide) in the Interlamellar Region of Poly(butylene succinate) Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 3337.
34. Zhu, Bo; Li, Jianchun; He, Yong; Osanai, Yasushi; Matsumura, Shuichi; Inoue, Yoshio “Thermal and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies on Hydrogen-Bonding Interaction of Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)s with Natural Polyphenol Catechin Green Chemistry, 2003, 3, 580.

近几年承担的科研项目9br /> 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(21474014),2015-2018, 主持人、br /> 2.上海市自然科学基金面上项目?4ZR1400200),2014-2017, 主持人、br /> 3.纤维材料改性重点实验室启动经费?014-2016, 主持人、br /> 4.日本理化学研究所基础科学研究費補助金?010-2013,主持人、br /> 5.日本文部科学省科学研究费辅助金若手研究(A)(No. 22681016),2010-2013,主要参加人、br /> 6.日本学术振兴会科学研究費補助金(No. 06F06364),2006-2008,主持人、br /> 7.九五国防预研项目,1996-2001年,主持人、br /> 8.国防科技重点实验室基金项目,1997-1999年,主持人、br />

1. 主题演讲(Keynote Lecture),“Electrically Conducting Polymers to Selectively Interact with Cells”,Symposium for Bioinspired and biointegrated materials as frontiers nanomaterials IV?014欧洲材料研究学会秋季会议?014??5-19日,华沙,波兰;
2. 邀请演讲(Invited Lecture),“Electrically Conducting Polymers to Selectively Interact with Cells”,第二届国际生态环境高分子材料大会(PEM2014),2014?8?2-26日,昆明,中国、br /> 3. 邀请演讲(Invited Lecture),“Bioinspired Conducting Polymer Materials with High Selectivity and Efficiency to Electrically Interface with Cells”,再生医学导向生物材料国际研讨?013?013?0?2日,上海,中国、br /> 4. 邀请演讲(Invited Lecture),“Bioinspired Conducting Polymer Materials with High Selectivity and Efficiency to Electrically Interface with Cells”, Symposium for Bioinspired and biointegrated materials as frontiers nanomaterials III?013欧洲材料研究学会秋季会议(EMRS Fall Meeting 2013),2013??6-21日,华沙,波兰、br /> 5. 邀请演讲(Invited Lecture),“Biomimetic Conductive Membranes Produced via Inverse Microemulsion Electro-copolymerization as Neural Interfaces”, Symposium for Bioinspired and biointegrated materials as frontiers nanomaterials II?011欧洲材料研究学会春季会议(EMRS Spring Meeting 2011),2011??-13日,尼斯,法国、br />

其他9br /> 目前与日本东京工业大学、东京大学、日本理化学研究所、台湾中研院等知名大学和研究所的继续维持合作关系。在东京工业大学与日本理化学期间指导和参与指导了众多博士、硕士研究生,取得了很好的研究成果(请参见论文发表),每年计划招收硕博连读或博士研究?名、硕士研究生3名,欢迎具有高分子材料、电化学、有机合成、电子器件、生物材料等专业背景的同学报考、/div>
所在单佌 东华大学材料学院

