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KS-370 Coating fast disperser machine
KS-370 Coating fast disperser machine is called for "quick worker" .lt is the ideal test equipment of coating dye,the printing ink and so on.lt’s mainly applied in the material disperser.The efficiency is 2-3 time of sand mill, 3-rollerrs machine and bafl grinder machine . At the same time it can do variety comparative test of paints andformctla, greatfy reduce the experimental time.The equipment is suitable for the national standard GB/T9287”Pigment Easy DispBcsioti degree Com parison test -Vibration Law" .The machine is made the coating of flushes the light color,used in comparing the pigment coloration streng dispersible equipment.
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- 产品分类
- NWS内冷却卧式全能珠磨机
- LSV内冷却立式双锥珠磨机
- TSJ同心双轴搅拌朹/a>
- FLZ真空脱泡分散朹/a>
- GNWS内冷却高粘度卧式珠磨朹/a>
- SJ碟式双轴搅拌朹/a>
- XSJ行星式搅拌机(双柱?
- TWS湿法分散陶瓷纳米砂磨朹/a>
- WS型卧式砂磨机
- ZD型振动筛
- XSF刮壁双轴搅拌朹/a>
- JF双轴高低速搅拌分散机
- WSX型卧式珠磨机
- GCWS高粘度超细全能珠磨机
- YSP系列液压三辊研磨朹/a>
- QS系列三辊研磨朹/a>