篇名 纳米碳酸钙在PVC型材中应用研
作者: 王道俉
关键词:纳米碳酸钘 PVC型材; 增韧增强;
机构:同济大学材料科学与工程学院 上海200092安徽省产品质量监督检验所;
摘要 研究纳米碳酸?CaCO_3)在PVC/CPE体系中的应用,讨论了改进前后纳米CaCO_3对PVC体系流变行为的影?并测试了纳米CaCO_3对型材性能的影响。结果表?改进后纳米CaCO_3 P100流变性接近生产试?可用于挤出生?改进后的纳米CaCO_3显著提高了型材的性能,可增韧增强PVC复合体系 Use of nanometer calcium carbonate(CaCO_3)in PVC/CPE was studied,effects of nano- CaCO_3 prior and after modification on rheological behaviour of PVC sustemwere discussed and effects of nano-CaCO_3 on performance of the profile were tested.Testing results showed that rheology of the nano-CaCO_3 P100 after modification was almost the same as that of the sample.The nano-CaCO_3 P100 after modification enhanced performance of the profile could be used for extrusion to toughen PVC composite system.K