篇名 轻质碳酸钙在低定量双胶纸中的应用
作者: 王保; 周小几 曹云锊 刘建卍 朱万?
关键词:轻质碳酸钘 低定量双胶纸; 质量指标;
机构:南京林业大? 山东华泰集团有限公司 山东广饶; 山东华泰集团有限公司; 江苏南京; 山东广饶;
摘要 介绍了轻质碳酸钙的物理性能及在低定量双胶纸中的应用与注意事项。应用结果表?轻质碳酸钙提高了纸张的不透明度、白度、松厚度及填料留着?但同时对施胶度、表面强度及纸机的首程留着率有一定的影响 This article introduced the physical properties of PCC and its application in light weight offset paper.The application results showed that PCC could increase the opacity, brightness and bulk of light weight offset paper. However it may also lower its sizing degree, and surface strenth as well as the furnish first-pass retention. Somethings should pay attention to in PCC application were pointed out.