篇名 纳米碳酸钙增强聚丙烯纤维的研
作者: 郑楠; 高绪珉 童俨;
关键词:聚丙烯纤绳 碳酸钘 纳米; 分散剁 力学性能; 结构;
机构:北京服装学陡 北京服装学院 北京;
摘要 将分散剂、纳米碳酸钙和聚丙烯(PP)切片按一定比例混合纺丝制得改性PP纤维。并研究了改性PP纤维的结构与性能。结果表昍当分散剂与纳米碳酸钙的质量比??,纳米碳酸钙质量分数为0?%?改性PP纤维的断裂强度和初始模量最?分别??7,90?6 cN/dtex.纳米碳酸钙在改性PP纤维中分散均匀,且粒径为40?0 nm。与PP纤维相比,改性PP纤维的取向度变化不大,结晶度有所提高,但当纳米碳酸钙质量分数大于等?%?其结晶度下降明显 The modified PP fiber was prepared by blending a dispersant,nano-calcium carbonate and polypropylene(PP) chips at a specific ratio.The structure and properties of modified PP fiber were studied.The results showed that the breaking strength and initial modulus were maximized as 7.79 and 90.36 cN/dtex respectively when the mass ratio of the dispersant to nano-calcium carbonate was 1? and the content of nano-calcium carbonate was 0.3% by mass fraction.The nano-calcium car- bonate with particle size of 40-80μm...