Nanobrook Omni测量应用案例-63
文献名:Photoswitchable Janus glycodendrimer micelles as multivalent inhibitors of LecA and LecB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
作者:Yingxue Hua, Ghamdan Beshrb,c, Christopher J.Garveyd, Rico F.Tabora, Alexander Titzb,c, Brendan L.Wilkinsone
aSchool of Chemistry, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
bChemical Biology of Carbohydrates, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
cDeutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, Standort Hannover, Braunschweig, Germany
dAustralian Centre for Neutron scattering, ANSTO, Lucas Heights, New South Wales 2234, Australia
eSchool of Science and Technology, the University of New England, New South Wales 2351, Australia
摘要9/span>The first example of the self-assembly and lectin binding properties of photoswitchable glycodendrimer micelles is reported. Light-addressable micelles were assembled from a library of 12 amphiphilic Janus glycodendrimers composed of variable carbohydrate head groups and hydrophobic tail groups linked to an azobenzene core. Spontaneous association in water gave cylindrical micelles with uniform size distribution as determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS). Trans-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene dendrimer core was used to probe the self-assembly behaviour and lectin binding properties of cylindrical micelles, revealing moderate-to-potent inhibition of lectins LecA and LecB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.